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         I know I can't be mad... I know I have no right telling her who she should be with but Lisa?.. bad choice. "How do you know them?" I snapped out of my daze and looked at Ashley.

"School" I start to walk to my room but froze when she said "he's kinda cute.. the Jesse kid" I almost gagged. "That's a girl"

"So" she bit her lip. I got in her face and glared at her. "No" I don't know what came over me. Just the thought of my sister with Jesse... It's bad enough she has Lisa but my OWN sister. HELL NO! "Okay.. geez"

I make my way up stairs and change. I tried so hard not to look out the window but it didn't work. I sat and waited at the window to see what would happen. NOTHING. LITERALLY no one has walked in nor out of the house. So it must just be her and her brother.

As time passed by I finally heard voices. "So, how was it" Jesse asked as she got all in Lisa's personal space. She didn't answer just stood there with her mouth closed. My heart started to beat fast as I saw their lips connect. Their fingers intertwined, it's like watching a romantic movie. They were making out on the car my sister complained about all day. I think I'm going to be sick..

"Take the trash out" Ashley says as she entered my room. I dropped to the floor not trying to make it obvious I was looking out the window. "Weirdo" as soon as she closed the door I stood and waited until they left. Lisa gets what ever she wants .. even who ever she wants. Well two can play this game.


"So he's your across the street neighbor?" Lorenzo looked like he saw a ghost. "That's amazing! Does she have a brother? She's cute so I know he is" Chrissy nudged him making him stop talking about it. They both were silent for a second. I felt like they didn't want me to see something. I turn and see Jesse laughing with Lisa and her friends. They just don't know I have a plan up my sleeve. "Ok class we have a quiz, on things that you should know"

Show time

The whole class started to whine about how we get to much work and how we need more break time. They just don't know it was my idea to do a quiz. "Stop complaining, you'll have a study partner" that was my idea to. "Here's your teams.. Lorenzo and Christina, Franklin and Jimmy, Lisa and Timmy, Jesse and Grace.."

I look over at Lisa who looked super pissed. That also was apart of my plan. I wanted to be jesses partner to make that bitch suffer. I don't want Jesse.. I just want her to see that she's not for her. Jesse twisted her rolling chair, and started making her way to our table before ms.tob said anything. She moved the chairs way to close. It was so close I could smell her lunch. "Howdy partner". I chuckle at her stupidity. "Dont"

Lorenzo and Chrissy left leaving us alone. No one bothered us, not even Lisa. I mean she looked back a few times glaring at me. "So do you know where the declaration of independence was signed?" I stop and look at her. She didn't look like she was paying attention.

"Your gorgeous" she says with this wide grin on her face. Its the way she said it that made me feel some type of way. I smile then look away, she did the same. "Um.. I'm sorry"

As school came to an end Jesse and I went our separate ways. She went with Lisa and I went with my friends. I didn't get much done on the work so we'll figure something out. I just don't know yet. "So how was spending time with her wife of the future?" Lorenzo joked.

"She's not-" I stopped mid sentence when I seen Jesse and Lisa kissing on Jesses porch. I didn't know how I felt any more honestly.. I just know Lisa's not for her. But then again.. Jesse is .. jesse.

Just as I pressed my hand on the door knob I heard a familiar name being called out. "Rose?" I haven't heard that name in almost 2 years. I take a deep breath before I face the music. "It is you"

"Darius ?" He looked new and improved. Darius is the guy that I barely kissed.. I don't consider him a ex because the kiss was forced and the next week he moved away. He gave me this nickname.. Rose. I've always hated that nickname.. only because of the reason it's my nickname. "You look.... Handsome" I wasn't kidding. He's always been cute but now... wow.

"I knew I'd find you here" he rushed towards me and hugged me tightly. I guess he didn't notice that Chrissy's standing there. She fixed her self, trying to get his attention. "Well hey to you to Darius " she pushed him making him stumble on me. Our eyes met, but I quickly looked away.

"Chrissy? You look amazing.." he tried to sound as friendly as possible. It's weird though.. seeing him without Kevin. Kevin's Chrissy's ex boyfriend. "Well since you both are here.. I just want to say... I've missed you like crazy" he held onto my hand. His eyes were placed onto me. "I know I didn't do what any other guy would do.. but you make me nervous."

"Darius I-" before I could finish my sentence his lips pressed against mine. I was about to pull away but I saw Lisa and Jesse looking over at me. You could see Jesse wasn't to happy to see this. Why though?

He pulled away. "Kevin and I moved back into town last week.. I was hoping you'd be here, let me take you out tonight "

"Su-" before I could finish my sentence ONCE AGAIN I was rudely interrupted. But this time I was shocked to hear that voice.

"She can't" Jesse stepped onto my porch making everybody turn. "She's busy.. we have to work on our quiz" Jesse and Darius eyes met. Darius gave her a smile but quickly regrets it once he seen her mad face didn't change. He gave me and asked "Well tomorrow?"

"Nope, busy all week" Jesse says before I could even open my mouth. It's cute that they're arguing over who gets to see me when but it's my life. "Darius I'll call you when I have time, and Jesse... be ready tonight" I start to walk in the house not looking back it's getting to awkward for me.


Around 8 I heard a knock at the door. "Sorry I'm here so late..." Jesse says as she rushes in. "Lisa problems?" I joked. I don't think she thought it was funny because she walked straight past me. She sat on my couch and pulled out her books. We barely talked.. I just wanted to study and get it over with. "So in Which battle did Napoleon die?"

"His last one" she didn't look to into the whole studying thing. She kept glancing over at me watching my every move. "So.. that guy.. is he your boyfriend?"

I looked her dead in her face and liked. "It's complicated" Her eyes traveled from me onto her paper. She didn't look to pleased to hear that. All of a sudden she asked me a personal question. "Do you want to be his girlfriend?"

"Does it matter?" I snapped at her. She raised her eyebrow and just looked away. "I'm sorry.. its just a lot on my mind I wanted to think of something else" I say feeling a bit bad about snapping on her.

She looked pissed, out of it, her eyes looked almost black. "I should go" she slammed her books closed and stood to her feet. She walked as quickly as she could to the door but before she left I asked. "Why does it matter?" She stopped in her tracks. She looks at me with these fearful eyes. "Aren't you with Lisa?"

"No, we were going to give it a try but... I don't think she's the one for me"

"Me either" I mumbled. She grinned and sat back down. "Well Darius is a child hood friend." I tell her our story and how I've only been kissed twice by the same person. How I'm not experienced with anything. How I've never been touched in a romantic way.

"Wow..." she looked shocked, and admired. "Your pure.. it's cute" her hand touched my leg. She started to raise it as she looked into my eyes. "You've never .." I looked down at her lips. They were inches from mine. I could almost feel them

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