Hi I'm Jesse, & here I am... in a dilemma I could've easily avoided... AGAIN. I just couldn't let Lisa leak my secret. So this what I have to do. "This is Lisa.. my girlfriend" I just let out to my Ex. If it was anybody else I wouldn't of cared b it...
I woke up feeling across the bed but no Grace to be found. "Where the hell is she?" I mumbled to my self.
Is this because I didn't want to... finish? I thought that's what she would want. I really care abouther and I don't want to loose her. So it's for the best.
I set out of bed with my pants in one hand and my boxers in the other. As I got dressed I thought of places she could be. It's not that many places. She's either on deck or in the ocean.
Just as I grabbed a hold of the door It was pushed open. "Fuck , my nose" i saw blood on my fingers. "Damnit"
"Sorry, I'm sorry" I look up and see Grace looking around for something. She quickly ran off then came back with a towel. "Let me whip it for you" I watched as she whip away the blood. Our eyes met but she quickly looked away. "I'm sorry about last night, I stayed out with Chrissy and could barely remember what happened last night" she was fiddling with the towel.
I moved the towel from in between us and looked her in the eyes. "Are you angry at me?" I couldn't find any emotions in her eyes, I never seen it before.
"No" she looked away "are you not attracted to me" she asked as she stood to her feet. I looked up at her with confusion.
I stand up and press my lips against hers."Your beautiful, amazing, and understanding. So why wouldn't I be?" I whisper into her ear. I pulled her close and I could feel her smiling on my shoulders. "So I'm leaving tonight"
She pushes me away with a sad look. "Oh yeah, your just here for the weekend.." I cup her face with my hands and kiss her. "A few more months" her hands pressed against mine.
I let go of her and turn to pack. She thinks this will be the last she'll see of me. It's not. "Let's go out for dinner later, off the ship." She nodded then ran to me and tackled me with hugs and kisses.
As the day passed on I didn't take my eyes off of her. She looked so peaceful and calm in my arms. As the sun set I waited to it was time to take her off the ship.
I covered her eyes as we exit the ship and walk onto the beach. I uncover her eyes and let her take in my art.
"It's gorgeous, you really didn't have to do all this." she held onto me tightly while looking at it.
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In all honesty it wasn't to much. "I could've done better it was just so last minute" I kissed her forehead. "Come on" I pulled her to the table where the food was already there.
"Shrimps my favorite" she had shrimp with sauce, with pasta salad. While I had spaghetti with garlic-bread. "This is amazing, I love it"
"Just wanted to create something you'd remember" I smile as I watch her come to me and sit on my lap. "Your so gorgeous"
"I'll never forget this moment"
I pressed my lips onto hers before she got back onto the ship. "I'll miss you" I say as she let go. She blew me a kiss when she got back onto the ship. And of course I did that gay ass shit where I catch it.
I felt a hand hit my shoulder. "Let's go home now" I turn and see Henry.
"I just don't understand" I say to my boss. he's firing me, my bloods boiling.
"I told you I needed you over the weekend and you said fuck me. So your fired" he closed the shop door in my face.
How the hell am I going to make money now? I thought to my self. When I turned the corner I saw a hiring sign. "Well That was easy" As I entered the store I saw there's two pretty girls behind the counter.
"Welcome to Dino's food place how may I help you?" One of them asked with a nonchalant attitude.
I pointed to the hiring sign on the window. "I want the job" I say as humble as I can possibly say.
She looked at me then the sign, then me then the sign again. Then she looked at the other girl. And that one looked as stuck up as she seems. "Okay"
We sat at a table just looking at each other for few moments. "I'm Payton, you are?"
"Jesse" I say as I shake her soft hands. She started writing on a clip board. She looked like she was only about work.
"Do you drink?"
"Not recently"
She looked up from her clip board. "When was the last time?"
"Last night" I mumbled. She looked back down and started taking notes.
"Do you do drugs?" She looked up
"Yes, a lot"
She put down her clip board and stood up. "We're done here, your not getting the job".
"It's a fucking food place not a restaurant" I stood and followed after her. "Come on give me one chance" I grabbed her hand before she could go in the back.
She looked me in the eyes then pulled away. "Fine, but if you come here drunk or high your fired"
I smile at her but all she did was walk away. "Thank you"
"Be here by 8 am, or your fired"
Damn this girl is going to be hard to work with. I look over and see another girl smiling at me. "You'll get used to her, I'm Katy"
"Cute " she bit down on her lip. "That's Justice" She points at the other girl from earlier. "And that's phill" she then points to a guy restocking food. "See you tomorrow" she says then walked away.
What the hell did I just get myself into?
When I got home I saw Henry smoking with Ashley. "When you guys get back cool?"
"When we realized how much we like you guys gone" Henry says then blows smoke in my face. "Come on Baby, let's go" with that they leave.
Shit I got school tomorrow how the hell am I going to go in for work?
I walk back up to the food place. "Where's Payton?" I ask Katy.
"In the back, but I wouldn't go back there yet it's her break" I walk past her and go in the back
I walk to the back and knock on her door but there wasn't a answer. Missing one day won't hurt right?