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After Jesse left I began to think more and more about us being together. Chrissy and I haven't been talking, she's been sleeping at Audrey's. Which I'm fine with, I just hope I don't bump into them ever again.

I decided to keep my self busy so I joined a dance class yesterday. Today's my first day, hopefully I'll meet some new friends that I can actually have fun with. "Welcome ladies" I look over and see a gorgeous dance instructor. Her hair was long and dark brown. She had it in a ponytail. Her eyes were bright blue. "I'm Hannah, your new dance instructor. Your recent one just quit.. but on another note" after a while I stop listening and just looked at her

"Gorgeous right?" I hear somebody whisper into my ear. I look over with a big grin but it quickly fell when I seen that it was Audrey's friend Danny. I roll my eyes and turn my head. "Nothing at all?" I sat in silence as she talked to herself. "So who dragged you here? Audrey and Chris did it to me"

I look around and saw them giggling and laughing at each other. "Of all places?" I mumble then make my way towards the exit. Danny followed me but grabbed me at the door. "What?"

"So that's why she's always in our room, you guys aren't talking.. but why?" She grinned a little then let me go. "I'm a good listener, ask my wife"

I fold my arms and smirk at her. "Shouldn't you be with your wife then?" Her grin dropped. "Have a good day" I say as I walk back into the dancing area just to grab my things.

Just as I was about to leave out the dance instructor Hannah grabbed me and guided me to the middle of the floor. "Everybody grab a dance partner!" I look around and see everybody with partners except Danny of course.

She dances towards me then intertwine our fingers. "We meet again" she says then dips me. As we all danced I tried not to make eye contact with Audrey or Chrissy. "Best way to make them mad is to make them jealous"

"Who said I was trying to make them mad?" I ask with a smirk. She rolls her eyes, then spins me. "Won't your wife be mad at this?"

She dips me again "she left the ship because she got sea sick" she smiles as she pulls me back up. "Now can we please have some fun?" She lets me go then moves to Chrissy. Which leaves me with...

"Hi" Audrey says as she intertwine our fingers. Do they have to do this? "Look I'm sorry, this isn't how I wanted things to be" she whispered as we danced closely. "When I saw that jesse chick I lost it.. I wanted you to see how I felt but Chrissy ended up liking me now she won't leave me alone" she admitted. I just roll my eyes and ignore her. "Fine, just know I'll be thinking of you" and with that she spins away back into Chrissy's arms.

I dance my way to the door and quickly ran out. "Finally" I breathe while adjusting my bag and speeding up the hall. "Wait geez, you run track or something" Danny says as she follows me up the hall. "Look I know you don't have anybody to hang with" I ignored her but she has a point. "Neither do I, Chaz left with Paris, and Audrey's always with Chris. I need somebody until he gets back to the boat at least " 

I stop in my tracks making her stumble on me. "Then go find someone who cares" with that I walk into my room slamming my door shut. I can't wait to get off this fucking ship.


I sip my smoothie as I sat on the pool surrounded by couples, dancing. "Bummer right?" I turn and see Danny again. I roll my eyes and began to walk away. And of course she gets up and follow me. How does this girl always manage to find me. "All I'm asking you is to hang out with me"  She begs. "Everybody has a partner except us, it's just fun nothing more" she grins.

I hand her the smoothie with a smile. "Fine, If it'll get you to stop"
Through out the rest of the trip I've been with Danny and Chaz. They aren't actually all that bad. We've done all sorts of things. We tried fishing but Chaz didn't care for anything outside the ships pool. Keeps calling the women " Bikini Babes". Danny keeps bringing up all these memories with Paris. She sounds sweet, and also dangerous when it comes to Danny.

"So are we going to get wasted tonight or watch movies?" Chaz asked as he opened my door and walked into my room. "Because I prefer drinking" he pulls out two bottles from his bag.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Who was stupid enough to sell you liquor?" I ask as I grab the Hennessy bottle out of his hands.

"No body" he smiled and opened the vodka he had in his other hand. "I took them from some guy named Darius. He said they were looking for a girl name Rose?" My eyes widened. And my heart started to race.

"Darius is here?" I ask walking towards the door. I seen no sign of him, or anyone actually. But when I looked down I saw flowers with a note on it. I grabbed it and read it.

"Looking forward to you coming back, enjoy your last days there, The bottles are for Chrissy

I smiled at the note, I was actually looking forward to going home. I miss Ashley, and school honestly. But what I miss most is Jesse. We haven't talked much and I know it's because we're apart but I can't help but feel like something up.

"Come back in here" Chaz says while grabbing me. "We have a few more days to get lit before we have to go back to our lives" he complained. "So BRING IN SOME BIKINI BABES!" He shouts then falls over.

I looked over at Danny. "So are you and Chrissy going to become friends again?" She asked while taking the Hennessy bottle from me. She didn't drink from it, just took it from me. "You don't need that"

I start playing with my fingers. "I don't know, I miss her. But I won't let her have the upper hand" I say. I meant it to, if this is what she wants this is what she'll get.

Our last week went past pretty quickly. As I packed my bags I waited for Chrissy to walk through the doors and admit she was wrong and sorry. Instead she packed and left and honestly it hurts.

When we left the ship we went separate ways, in different cars. She was with Lorenzo and I was with Ashley. I wanted us to at least talk it out but I guess that wasn't going to happen right now. The whole trip was ruined by a girl either of us will ever see again and it sucks.

When We pulled up to the house all I could do is look across the street. I haven't spoken to Jesse in two days. She hasn't responded, does she even know I came home today? Everybody's acting like I'm wrong when I feel like I haven't done anything.

I went to sleep angry, confused, and frustrated. if this is how it going to be, so be it. My friendships and relationships are everywhere and no body seems to care.

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