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So before you start to read I decided I'm
Only going to upload once or twice a week. I'm not sure of the days yet but yeah that's when I'll upload. Oh and sorry if  mid spell a few words. Sometimes I forget to reread before I upload them. And if you could like the chapters I'd really appreciate it, that's what  makes me want to actually do more is the likes and comments.
Other then that Thanks and enjoy  ^3^

Jesses p.o.v

I didn't care at this point. I just wanted to feel her against me. When she said she liked me I don't know what came over me. I just wanted her for me and no one else. Fuck Darius, Fuck Lisa, And Fuck Bethany. Bethany is the girl she caught me with.

Bethany's my ex. She found out I moved and was looking for me ever since. She was a one night stand that turned into casually hooking up. Then a relationship that was based on obsession. She wanted me just as bad as I wanted her. She's my first love. She came over a few days back wanting to get back with me.

"Why can't you just say oh I miss you to Beth!" She came out of no where wanting to much. She wants a relationship, and she KNOWS I don't do relationships... after what we went through I can't. I literally killed for her..

I sat on the bed trying to figure out a way out of this. With Grace and Lisa in the picture now I don't want to make things worst. "Bethany.. why are you acting like you love me still " I tried to pull her close but she didn't move.

She folded her arms and finally spoke. "Yes Jesse I love you" it caught me off guard completely. I didn't know what to say.. I panicked. I felt all the old emotions coming back. Then it slipped.

"I love you to, come here"

I'll figure out later, it's to much for me right now. I just want some pussy and for her to go.

I honestly didn't think anyone would know about Bethany here. She's crazy and I don't want her any where close to Grace.

"Woah.." she pushes me gently. Her head rested on my shoulder. "To fast, to soon" her hands make their way to mine. "I can't hurt another girls feelings trying to be selfish.. it isn't me"

I felt disappointed.. not in her, in me. Because for A spilt second I thought she'd be mine. I messed it all up trying to make her jealous.. I only made my self want her more. "I'll leave them both, I don-" she presses her lips against mine again. It was a quick peak.

"You should go.." she wouldn't look into my eyes. No matter how much I stared her down she wouldn't give in. It's like I'm looking at me through her.. she's different from the rest.

I grab her hand and kiss it. I slowly moved my thumb across her fingers. I knew I couldn't get attached to someone who isn't mine again.. she was my new Bethany.. But I'm not what she wants....

"Let me show you" I looked into her eyes hoping she'd give in. "We can take things slow" I shot her a goofy smile.

No matter what I did she just stood there with mixed emotions. "This is to much" she covered her face with one hand and put the other on her hip. "I recently just found out two people like me.. and top it all off one is a girl" she looked dizzy. "I think I'm gonna be sick"

Well That was harsh.. I follow her to the bathroom and hold her hair back. She even looked cute throwing up. "I like you to" I know it's the worst time on earth to say it but I finally said it

She started brushing her teeth and I could tell she was thinking. Thinking about what? That I don't know. "I need time.. to think" I don't say any thing I just leave. I leave the bathroom, exit her house, and enter mine. I was stuck.. I need time. It's like it was replaying in my head. It's like I'm accepting rejection.

I sat in my chair next to Lisa like nothing happened yesterday. I'm just going to play it cool. Act like I was high or something. I don't want her to think she has the upper hand. "Hey babe" I look over and see Lisa taking the seat next to mine.

"Hey gorgeous" I forced a kiss as soon as I saw Grace enter the room. She wasn't playing me any mind.. what's her point? "Wanna come over tonight?" I ask as I pull away. The look on Her face was golden. She looked like she wanted it... as in me.

She put her hand on my leg as she said. "Yes babe" that shits so cringing.. the word babe is fucking stupid. I wanted to tell her that but I honestly didn't want her to give me another dumb ass name.

Before I could even think I noticed Grace coming our way. I started to panic, and I always do something dumb when I'm in a panic.. and that's exactly what I did. I pressed my face against Lisa's. that didn't seem to stop her. "Uh.. sorry to intrude but Jesse I did all the work we had to do on the assignment so we won't have to spend a second together ANY More" well that hurts. She doesn't like spending time with me?

Throughout the class period I sat and watched Grace. She was laughing and shit with Darius. I wanted to go over there and punch him in his shit. Why is he talking to my girl. She's MINE. When I saw him kiss her that day all I wanted to do is fight him. She knows what she does to me.. well I know what she does to me. "What are you looking at?" I hear but didn't really care to see who was talking. I finally look over and see a mad Lisa.

She looked pissed, but I didn't care honestly. "I'm looking at Grace" I held onto her hands and looked into her eyes. "Want the truth?" She waved her group away, which they did. She needs to know how I feel, I can't do this any more. "I rather be kissing and hugging on her then to be sitting over here pretending to be happy"

She didn't look bothered, she had smile on her face. "Follow me" she stood up and walked out the room. The teacher didn't stop her or anything. I did as she said and ended up in a close by janitors closet. She pulled out a cream folder. "Maybe this'll change your mind" I opened the folder and saw old documents of the old me. My heart started to race, how did she.. "I have my ways"

I ripped up the papers and threw them out. "How the fuck did you find these?" I pinned her against a wall, this can't get out. "If the police found out I'll be arrested, or worst. Killed.." ill just have to kill her, no one can get to these papers.

She smoothly pressed a pen against my neck then it shocked me. "Stay off of me, if you fail to do so I'll have somebody email these documents to the head of ATL's police department." I saw a new look in her eyes, evil. "See, I always get what I want. And your what I want" she was bitting down on her lip and pressing her hand onto my chest. "Until I'm tired of you, Your mine" she opened the janitors closet smiling as if we didn't have this little chat. "Oh and no more talking to Grace"

Throughout the day I've been worried. How did she get these documents? How did she know of the old me? I knew I should've moved further away from my family. The only person who should know of my past is Bethany, and Henry. My parents don't even know.

The reason I couldn't follow their rules are because of what I needed to do. The things I had to do needed to be done late at night. Yeah I regret my doings but I was making fast money at such a young age. Enough of the bullshit. I need to head to work.

On my way to bambino's I stopped at a candy shop. I stopped here a few times this week but this time I really regretted it.

"Hey Jesse" I turn and see Bethany. She had her arms crossed with a juice in one hand and hot chips in the other. "You miss me?" Before I could answer in walks Grace with Darius. Our eyes met, but she quickly moved them to Bethany. She had the most disgusted face I've ever seen her have. "Who the fuck is that?" Bethany started to make her way towards grace but I held her back.

"No the question is who the fuck are you" we both turn and see Lisa. She had her whole little group with her.

How the Hell am I getting out of this one

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