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I've been keeping my distance from Grace. She drives me crazy, and to make it worst she does it on purpose, and that Darius guy just keeps popping up...why isnt he giving up? Who the hell does he think he is!

In the middle of my thoughts I hear giggling from outside my window. I rush over to see who it may have been. I was hoping it was Ashley and Henry but of course it's Grace getting out of somebody's car. I didn't see who it was and I'm kinda glad I hadn't.  But I'm assuming it's a guy because of all the gifts and shit she had in her hands. All guys think that women want is to be showered with gifts, it's true but one gift and all the love in the world is all a woman needs. We just want to be loved the correct way, and I haven't did that. I did mess up with Payton but it wasn't intentional.

I can't be mad because I ruined what we had going on. I fucked that up, and I regret it more then anything but I will stop at nothing to get her back.

I can feel my heart beating through my chest as I take a quick breather before walking out my door. I acted like I was just getting some fresh air. Grace glanced at me and It just made me smile. "Hey" I say walking across the street. "Nice.. uh bears?" I casually say but I want to know what's up.

She looked at her bears then back at me. "Yeah, I won them." She smiled. "On my date" she revealed and I can't lie my heart sunk. "With Darius" she admits. She was fiddling with her fingers when she said it. And I already know that means she didn't want to say who but didn't really have a choice. As hurt as I am it could've been anybody... but why him out of everybody!

I started to get mad but I didn't let it show. I can't ruin things with her like I did with Beth. "Oh... cool" I want to show her that I can respect her, and I can wait. "So it was good I'm assuming"

"Yes, we have a second date next week" she says showing so much excitement in her eyes. But I can't show the hurt. I take a deep breath and remember who that fuck I am.. and that I have weed in the house. "Good to hear, I have to go" I say as I make my escape back to my house. I wave to her before I close the door, then I slowly turn and punch the wall.

Rushing to the kitchen to rinse the blood off my knuckles. "What happened to you?" Henry says as he walks up to the sink. "Did you at least hide the body this time?" He ask whilst looking directly into my eyes. 

"Henry I didn't kill anybody" I say as I open the cabinet above my head to get napkins but I ended up finding Graces pink notebook. As hurt as I am I won't do anything to Darius. He just wants love like the rest of us, and he's not the reason I'm not with her so who am I to take his life because of my own actions. "But I did punch another hole in a wall..."

"Again Jess?" He ask as he starts searching around trying to find the hole. "We're getting you anger management classes!" he complains. I didn't care about what he was saying I was to busy eyeing her book. "You put this up there?" I ask cutting his temper tantrum short whilst showing him the pink and purple notepad. He looks over at me and shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, who's is that?"

"A key back into her life" I joke while grabbing my things to leave. "The only key you need to worry about is one ill take if you keep killing the damn house"

I woke up ready for the day, I pushed the schools doors open and make my way to home room. Today I'm going to give her notebook and hopefully spark up a conversation about us.

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