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The next day I walked into the job in uniform prepared for the worst. "I can't believe I'm wearing this shit" I mumble. "Oh you forgot your hat" Payton says as she puts it on my head. "Very cute" she laughed.

"Laugh it up" I say as I walk off. If she thinks she's going to keep running over me like this it'll be a real problem. I started restocking shelves and everytime I turn around she's saying do something else. "These go over there" "no, to high" "Put those in there" is all I heard all damn day from her.

When my break came around I was extremely exhausted. "Here" I look up and see Katy with a sandwich and a juice. "I know she's a real peace of work at first but I promise she'll ease up" I sigh as I look around for her but she's no where to be found. "It's her break, she always locks her self in there at this time of day."

I still need to talk to her about my schedule. Fuck it, I'll wait I don't even feel like walking right now. After my break Payton still was no where to be found. "Thank god"

"Thank god what?" I jumped to the side when I heard that. Spoke to soon, it was Payton. "I have one more thing for you to do then you can leave"

"What?" I asked not really caring any more. "Go buy me a sub from subway, I'm starving" she smiled while handing me the money. I grab the money and walk out the store. Who the fuck does she think I am ? A fucking Butler? Better yet a maid. Because she's been riding me all fucking day and to top it off this shit? She better be glad the damn job pays 16 a hour, because I would've been walked out.

It's been weeks since I started at the job Katy was wrong Payton still watches my every move. But I've been noticing a lot of stuff. Like when it's her break she be so chill when she comes out the back. The room always has a strong smell, like she sprayed perfume to avoid something.

So today after her break I decided to go back there and see what's up. The window were wide open, and as I thought she sprayed perfume. I start to snoop through stuff, nothing. All I found was her extra pair of glasses and some fat free candy.

But nothing stopped me so I start to look under her desk "What chu doin?" I jump and hit my head on the desk. I crawl from under her desk with one eye closed

"I lost a contact..." I say but before she could say anything I run out into the front. Luckily she didn't follow me. The rest of the day she avoided me. Whenever I saw her she'd act like I wasn't around. Was it because she thinks I know something?

At the end of my shift I didn't leave. I waited til Payton clocked out. Once she did I followed her to her car. "Sooooo" I say making her jump. She turned around with a smile on her face. "You scared me" she softly punched me. "What's up?" She asks.

I was confused, what's going on with her. "Hey, I was wondering why you always changed after your break? And why do you ride my ass all the time?" I just let it all out. But she just looked at me like I was crazy.

"I see potential in you, sometimes I think I could leave this place in your hands and other times I think you'll mess it up.." she finally says then let's a big sigh. "And the other question I have no idea what your talking about" I was speechless, I couldn't believe how nonchalant she was being about things. "Hey.. you wanna hang out?" She asked out the blue.

I can't stand her here, why would I like her outside of work. "Sure" but I could also get more details about her. "Why not" I soon regretted it once we got into the car. You could cut the awkwardness with a knife. Once we got to her house We watched Netflix and ate hot pockets. "Hey, Lets play a game" she says smiling ear to ear "Would you rather"

I nod my head. "You go first" I couldn't go first.. I might ask a dumb question. "Would you rather never use social media again or never watch another movie or TV show?" She hit me with a question I didn't really have to think about.

I looked at my phone and saw how dry it was. "Social media, it takes over people's lives" I don't really care for it because of past relationships. They got ruined because of social media obsessions. Nothing but a bunch of crazies stalking me.

She looked shocked. "Wow, I thought you'd be a social head" she says getting comfortable

"Okay, my turn. Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day?"

She started thinking long and hard. "I'd be invisible for a day because I wouldn't have to worry about my co workers all in my business" clearly that was towards me. "and I could keep a closer eye on you guys" that to.

I grinned. "If I didn't know any better I'd say your thinking about me" I joked.
She laughed a little then stood up "maybe" with that she walked away.

Here's my chance to take a look around I thought but she quickly came back with wine. "You drink?" She asked as she sat two cups down.

I was going to say no but I wanted her to tell me things. So my plan was to get her drunk. Smart right? "Yes, pour me a cup"

Let's see where the night takes us.


"Ahh" I say as I felt my head. It was banging, "what the?" I look around and see I'm not home. I'm in nothing but my boxers, and to makes things worst i turn over and see Payton naked but facing the other way. "No no no no" I kept saying as I grabbed all my shit.

When I went to the bathroom I started putting my clothes on but felt something sticky in my boxers. When I pulled them off all I seen was wet sticky white stuff on my strap. "Nooo.. no,no," I rush to clean it and start putting my clothes on again. I snuck out the bathroom and tipped toed my way out the house. Hopefully she won't remember anything because I sure as hell don't.

When I got home I realized I had to be at work in an hour. How the fuck can I face her today??!??

Ding Ding my phone said.
"Hey, I miss you"

Shit shit shit, How am I supposed to face her now?
I messed up

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