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Even though we have a break next week I still didn't want to go to school. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and think of a way to tell Jesse I might be leaving for a cruise.. over the summer I entered a contest to see if I could get the last two tickets to a cruise over seas. It took me weeks to get Ashley on board. Get it? On board. Any ways ! She finally agrees "it's time I make my own choices and if failing at life is it then so be it."
What ever that means.

This cruise is set to take me to eight different stops over the course of two months. I told Ashley id do my work in board if she lets me go. She also said if I get two tickets who's the other person I'd take. Well it's only one person I know who doesn't care about school and is willing to be adventurous with me over seas.

Chrissy of course.

Speaking of the cruise I should check my email and see if I got the ticket yet. When I logged into my email I saw two new emails. One from over seas and one from Lisa. Lisa is the last person I want to speak to right now.

I open the email from over seas.

Dear winner number 1001

You've won our last two tickets to come on board and boat with us. See you in a few days.

As I read the rest of the email I tried to hide my excitement. When I was done reading I texted Chrissy telling her we won. I started packing not thinking of anything else.

Bang bang

I rushed down stairs seeing seeing Ashley yelling at Jesse. She looked concerned, and worried. I've never seen her so .. emotional. "I've got it" I tell Ashley as I wave her off.

"I-I can explain" she tried to get off. You could tell she was running for awhile. "Hold on" she turn and start to take deep breaths. "Ok" she finally turns back my way. She pushed her hair towards her back. "Don't believe anything she-"

Before she could finish her sentence I kiss her. "We need to talk" I pull her in and sit on the couch. After minutes of silence I finally spoke. "I'm leaving" is all I could say. She looked at me with a confused look. "I know I have problems but leaving? That's a little harsh"

"No.. like a cruise. I won't be back for a few months.. it's a magical experience.. so I'm going" I spill. She didn't speak, but she looked confused.

"Why didn't you.. Ok. I have to tell you something before you leave.." she grabs a hold of my hands and looked me in my eyes. "The email She sent you.. its all true. I want you to open it when you first get on the cruise. Please don't be scared of me, or hate me for not telling you. But once you read it you'll understand why I couldn't tell you" with that she lets me go. "I have something to take care of, I'll see you soon though. Ok?" She kissed my cheek then left.


I'll been thinking about what Jesse said ever since we talked. "Are you ready for the TIME OF OUR LIVES?" Chrissy says then down a shot. We're on our way to the send off and the only thing on my mind is what she said.

"I just can't believe you guys are actually leaving me.. what do I do without you?" Lorenzo says while looking at us. I pull us all together in one big hug. "I hate that I'm sea sick"

Chrissy raises her hands "I'm glad I'm not" Lorenzo glares at her then mumbles "because ID be going". she starts to laugh. "in your dreams" she says back.

"Guys.. please" I cover their months. "We only have a few more minutes together shut up and hug" I beg. As we all start to talk again all I could do is think of Jesse, and that damn email. I'm hoping she comes to send me off but who knows.

"All aboard" when we heard that we said our final goodbyes. I still waited for her to come but she really didn't. I guess Chrissy seen the disappointment in my eyes because she slowly started rubbing my back. As I looked over at her she mouthed it's okay.

As we walked in I barely could take in the beautiful entrance. "Welcome" a guy at the door said to everybody who entered. When we got to the front desk We got our key and headed to our room.

"This room must've costed a fortune" she says as she walks up the stairs. "Uh.. Grace?" When I reached the top of the stairs I saw that we only had one bed.

She jumped in the bed and started eating the welcome chocolates. "We need to go ask for another room, this isn't right" I started to go read the rest of the email.

"Woah, no no. They might give us one of those cheap ass cabins if we ask for a room switch." With every word she ate more chocolate. "Besides, isn't this a FREE room. I've never seen something so beautiful but free." She pulls me in the bed. "Feel how soft it is?"

"Fine, but we're taking turns in the bed" last time I shared a bed with her I woke up on the side of it.

"Fine. I get the first week" she says as if thats a normal thing. I lift an eyebrow at her assumption.. because when did we agree on that? "week?" I ask. She didn't say anything just grabs the last piece of chocolate and hands it to me. "You can have this" I look down at it laughing.

As I unpacked my bags I sorted my clothes in two categories. Gym, and outside adventures. Chrissy on the other hand had three categories Parties, mixers, and lingerie...

"So what shall we do first?" I wonder as I sit in front of the bedroom, seeing her going through the dresser.

When she finally stops wondering through the clothing she pulls out two dresses. "It's a party on deck, know what that means?" Her face Was lighting up so I know what that means.

"Free drinks!" We say at the same time. She slowly danced into the bathroom pointing at the dress she laid on the bed. "Put It on, and meet me at the door in five minutes" she shouts from the other side of the door. "Oh and wear cute panties, WE'RE GETTING LAID!"

I roll my eyes as I quickly put the dress on. "You look like you need more of my dressing skills in your life" she says as she dances around me. I laugh as I say "if I wanted to learn how to be a stripper I'd go to a strip club" She nudges me and laughs along with me.

When we got to the deck it was packed with people dancing. Guys dancing on girls, girls dancing girls, I even see a guy kissing a guy.

"This ship is crazy" Chrissy says as she dances away from me. I made my way to the bar and sat next to a guy who looks like he's having a long night.

When the bar tender approached me he handed the guy next to me a shot. "How may I assist you ma'am"

"Can I have a Pineapple Coconut Champagne Cocktail?" I ask then turn and see Chrissy dancing on some guy with greasy hair and glasses.

As minutes go by, a different bartender brings my drink. When I reached for it the guy next to me did to. "This Is mine"

Here we go

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