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I received many strange looks when I finally found the courage to walk into the market, the hood of my cloak shadowing my face. I am quick to buy the essentials and nothing more before quickly fleeing back to the safety of the castle.

Adam is up in the west wing when I arrive. I can hear him. Great roars of anger and pain shake the castle walls. I scurry into the kitchen unpacking everything and placing it into its respective places. Lumière stands in the doorway. "Madam. You have returned. The master, he believes you will not return. Shall I inform him?!" He questions going to leave. "No thank you Lumière I shall tell him myself. Thank you." He nods, a smile plastering his golden face. I quickly ascend the winding stairs into the cold west wing. I tighten my cloak making sure my face is well hidden within the folds.

Adam is pacing the room, most of the decor destroyed and stern across the room. "Adam?" I inquire softly approaching cautiously. He whips around to face me. "Océana." He breathes. "I'm sorry for leaving so hastily. I was frightened by the thought of being used." Adam's shoulders sag as he steps towards me, closer to the shadows. " I thought you left. I don't want to think I drove you away. I will never use you. I told Lumière, I told him I was not willing to drag you into our mess. Never."

A tear burns down my bruising cheek. He steps closer and I lurch forward hugging him tightly. His paws fall onto my shoulder and back. He shudders before I feel his head rest on top of mine. We stand still, simply enjoying the embrace before he slowly pulls back. I sniffle wiping my eyes and check my hood casually. "Goodnight." I whisper before turning away. Adam nods looking out to the darkening sky. "Goodnight." He echoes. I run my hand along the wall as I descend the stairs my other hand subconsciously stroking the bruise.

Reaching my room I slip out of my dress into a nightgown. I push the window open and slide onto the windows edge to stare up at the full moon weighing down the night sky.

Adam can't know what gaston did. He can never know even if I have to avoid him for weeks until the bruises heal. But hiding from Adam for weeks might be hardest thing I've ever done.

~~~~~ Prince Adam ~~~~~

Océana's refusal to join me for any meal of the day is abrupt and sudden. After last night she refused to leave her room and won't let myself or Lumière in. I'm worried now. She tells me I have done nothing and that she is simply working on a dress of some kind and wants to finish it but as the days begin to roll into a week I've gotten to sitting outside her door having a conversation with her through the wood. She has also stopped traveling to villeneuve but rather Paris for anything we need. This also concerns me. Paris is farther and it takes longer for Océana to return before dark and even then she hides from me.

"Océana?" I knock lightly on the door holding a tray of food Lumière cocked. "Yes?" He silvery voice is music. "I have dinner. A vegetable stew, Lumière asked me to bring to you." I wait watching the door after a minute my hope for the door to open dies. I set the tray down on the door with a heavy sigh. Clearly I have done something to upset her.

Walking away a soft click lightens my heart. I turn to see Océana, her red brown hair cascades over her shoulders in gentle waves and onto the silk long sleeve shirt she wears. The outfit is scandalous for a women but she makes it seem beautiful. The neck of the shirt is wide, falling off of her shoulders and giving any man a view of her collar bone and a tease of her breasts. The sleeves are loose until the cuff and the shirt is cut off just above her belly button showing a section of skin. Her pants are the same sea blue color as her shirt, starting just her hips and falling loose to her ankles.

"Adam?" She questions unsure. Look into her hazel green eyes startled. A light blush highlights her cheeks. "I'm sorry-" a greenish bruise coloring her cheek catches my attention. "What happened?" I demand cupping by her cheek to inspect the mark. Is this why she was hiding all week? Did someone hurt her? Rage boils in my veins.

Océana flinches from my touch. "Adam. It's okay. It's nothing. Nothing I promise. Just an accident." She promises. I nod slowly taking my paw from her delicate face. I take a breath to calm down. "I promise it's okay." I nod again, the last of my anger slipping away.

"Thank you for dinner." She steps back towards the door leaving me alone in the hall for a moment. I miss her already, the smell of her lemon grass and vanilla. I miss her warm smile and the warmth she seemed to bring with her.

"Adam." She leans against the door frame, one hand pressed against the flat of the wood. "Goodnight." And she slips back into her room. The soft tug of her voice echoing down the empty hall.


Time turner ⚜️prince Adam ⚜️Where stories live. Discover now