Magic mirror

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I wait until the next day before returning to villeneuve to help belle, Adam walks me to the boundary of the curse. It's a clear line in the trees. The clear line between eternal winter and fresh snow fall.

"Stay away from him, if you don't think you can avoid him then come home. And if something happens and you can't make it back from Paris wait it out. Don't try to come back to us." I shake off his grip on my shoulders. "I promise. I will come back." I tell him. He hugs me before stepping back to allow me to swing up on to Florence back.

I quickly set Florence in a sprint back to villeneuve, snow flies up under her feet, it takes only minutes to break from the trees and down the frosted country side. The sun hasn't yet come up and the village is quiet. Peaceful. I stow Florence outside the village keeping her from giving away my presence. I have to be fast.

I slip through the cold streets silently, blending into the dark alley ways and obsidian streets. When I reach belles house I arrive just in time to watch gaston greet LeFou and exit the town under the archway beside belles house. Now is my chance. I scurry across the street and into the house. Only when i close the door do I give myself the chance to take a minute to calm my hammering heart.

"Hello? Belle? Maurice?" I whisper shout as I creep through the house. A candle flickers deeper within the house, and an incoherent hushed argument reaches my ears. "Belle? Maurice?" I slip down the hall towards the voices.

"Papa he can't stay! He can't. I hate him." Belle speaks. "We'll think of something." He reassures. I step around the corner into the room.

"Océana!?" Belle jumps. "Sorry." I wince. I take a moment to take in the countless bruises and scrapes and cuts across belles once flawless skin and my blood boils. No man should ever treat a women this way. I hug her tightly and she hides her face in my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay. Where have you been? Gaston said you were good as dead when he last saw you." I shake my head prying her away from me gently. "Gaston beat me until I could barely go home. I scared my family. They didn't know what to do." Tell her. Memories flash through my vision. Chip with that over joyed look on his face. The relief in Adams Eyes.

"I came to help you. The snow fall is getting thicker and thicker by the eve I can get you somewhere safe in Paris. The snow will cut off the pass and gaston can not get to you before spring." I explain to her. Belle looks to Maurice who looks to me with great full eyes. "It will keep you safe, away from harm. Oh belle we must." Maurice looks to his daughter with great alleviation.

"Be quick. Gaston may not be gone long. Pack anything you need anything you can't live without and nothing more. We can return in the spring for anything gaston has not destroyed or taken." I tell them quickly exiting the room to the front of the house. I peek outside to find the near silent life of villeneuve bustling for the last supplies of the winter. Gaston is no where in sight.

I walk back towards the room but an object hidden between the bookcase and the wall catches my attention. The object is hidden to keep from someone like gaston from finding; someone ignorant enough to not pay attention to the bookcase.

I bend down sliding the object free of its prison. It's a silver hand mirror, beautiful carved sides and a smooth crystalline mirror reflecting the smallest detail back to me.

"Oc-oh!" Belle rips the mirror from my grip and slides it back into its hiding place before turning back to me. "You were not supposed see that." She declares positioning herself between me and the mirror. "Why not? It's just a hand mirror. Nothing special." I remark feeling the loss of the unique mirror in my hands. The mirror looks like it belongs in the castle.

"Because someone gave if to me and I would rather- never mind. I wanted to know who this new "family" of your was? Have you met someone?" She asked changing the subject abruptly. "Yes I have. He's a wonderful man. He's charming and kind and passionate. He care about me. He treats me like his equal not some dumb women that should be cleaning the floor or making food. I can do anything I wish, I can speak my mind without worry. I tend not to though. He has a bit of a temper sometimes, not towards me but to those who wish to harm me." I must look like I'm fawning over Adam. The look of knowing fills belles eyes. She laughs.

"You've gone doe eyed for him. Can I meet him. Is he in Paris? Is that where you run off to?" I shake my head. "He lives in a castle. The gardens are glass in the snow and the servants such lovely people. They are my family. Oh the little boy in the castle-chip- a heart of gold that boy. His mother is such a- " Ms. Potts." Belle cuts in. My eyebrows scrunch together, confusion clouding my thoughts. How does she know the castle. How does she know who they are? I never told her I never- no. The women Adam said left him, the one who left him before the last petal fell.

"You? You left him. You left Adam and his people to fall under the curse?! You let those innocent people be turned into candle sticks and tea pots?!" I exclaim. Rage fills me. How could she? After they opened their hearts to her how dare she.

"Océana. Océana I can explain. I had to. I had to. Gaston was threatening to put papa in a mad house: called him crazy for speaking of a beast in a castle. I saw no other way to save him! I swear Océana I never meant to hurt  them! I wanted to save my father why can't you understand that?!" She demands.

"Because my papa died! I killed him all because of that stupid necklace and I don't know what it's like to have to save him. I never could!" I explode. "Adam saved me from having to live with that witch after I killed papa. He doesn't know what haunts me. Give me the mirror." I whisper holding back the burning sensation of tears. I don't want to cry before I get home.

"Océana-" "give me the mirror." I demand holding her gaze. Belle caves in defeat and hands me the mirror. I tuck it into my satchel over my shoulder and look down to my booted feet.

"Océana-" "be ready to go tomorrow. I'm going home. I'll be back once gaston leaves. And then we'll be done with it. Nothing more." I tell her before taking my cloak and vanishing out the door into the cold.


Hey guys! I'm SUPER sorry I haven't posted in a little bit. I got a little drunk over the weekend and had absolutely no motivation to write and suffered from s but of writers block. But I'm back now and gearing up for some intense chapters. Thank you so much for your love and support it mean a lot. Until next time.
~ born-to-rebel99

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