Cry for help

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I'm "forced" to stay in bed for almost a week. Adam doesn't make me but when Ms. Potts scolds both of us like her children we don't really fight her for my own freedom.

Plumette is a lovely women. She is younger, allowing us to understand each other more than Ms. Potts and myself do. We all seem to grow closer too. Becoming a family.

Today adam has offered to show me his tower connected to the west wing. What he failed to tell me is that the stairs are missing and we have to jump.

"I don't want to hurt you, maybe you can jump and then I'll jump and you catch me." I tell him nervously studying the gap. Adam shakes his head. "We will he fine." He assures me. I nod. I love heights but this idea seems bad.

Adam crouches down allowing me to jump onto his back wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist holding on for dear life. He won't be able to catch me if I fall.

"Ready?" I burry my head into his neck, his fur tickling my nose. "Just do it." I tighten around him like a boa seizes its prey. "One..." suddenly air whips around us not giving me a chance to scream before we touch solid ground again. Adam gently pats my leg signaling for me to let go.

I land on the stairs and look back to the jump, from this side it seems easier. Shorter. "What happened to two, three?!" I demand pivoting on my heels to face Adam. He shrugs innocently. "Two, three?" He offers.

I shake my head with a short laugh. "So let's see this oh-so-amazing tower." Adam leads the way up. And up. And up. This tower has a constant spire and I can't see the top. "Adam, hang up." I gasp sitting down on the stairs. He stops above my head. I sit catching my breath and stretching my knee. Stairs plus crippled knee equals cramps and muscle pain for weeks.  But now add a man turned beast that's probably strong enough to lift a damn horse off the ground without breaking a sweat to the equation and you end up being carried without being asked.

I yelp as his strong arms slide under my knees and back and he begins to climb up the stairs without a word. "Adam?! What are you doing?" I demand mildly frightened. "You are going to be doing that constantly at this rate. I don't want to keep waiting." He tells me a hint of annoyance in his tone. I sigh relaxing back in his arms. He is really warm, I might fall asleep with the gentle sway of his steps.

"Are you okay?" He stops gently lowering me to rest on his leg so he can place his paw to my forehead. "I'm okay, you're just really comfortable." I blush furiously. Did I really just say that? Fool.

He pauses for a minute, awkward silence filling the cold tower stairs. I slide from his arms and step back away from him. I wrap my arms around myself embarrassed by my stupidity and look down. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I tell him. He looks at me, taking in everything with those beautiful blue eyes swirling with so many different emotions I can't make sense of any of them.

Finally he nods his eyes going cold. "Just up here." He leads me up one final round of the spiral stairs and into a large empty room. The cold has claimed this room. The frost has taken the walls as its own personal canvas. Bewitching swirls and vines of ice layer the walls. They steal my breath.

I turn in slow circles taking the entire room in. On the far wall is a balcony with no doors or rails it's a stone platform viewing the garden. From above it looks even more alluring than it does for within. Adam stands behind me. Watching me with a far off look Adam doesn't say anything. I see no need to do so either.

My side gives a small throb with my pulse. I think of belle suddenly. How is she dealing with gaston? Is she alright? I haven't seen her in the moments I actually spent in villeneuve maybe something has happened. Elizabeth could protect her, if I could get belle to the studio in Paris before the snow closes off the passage until spring than gaston can not harm her. Perhaps if she is willing to believe her own stories are true she and Maurice could stay here in the castle. Adam may not approve though. But the castle is as much mine as his. He did tell me I can do whatever I please.

I work up the courage, my hands wringing the fabric of my dress. I turn to meet Adams unwavering blue eyes. "Adam. I want to go to villeneuve. I need to keep gaston from my friend before something happens to her. I can't let him harm her." I speak in a rush. The overwhelming fear that gaston may hurt belle worse than he has hurt me suddenly freezing my blood. I don't understand where these sudden protective urges came from though.

Adam is silent, his posture rigid and his eyes completely emotionless. I'm suddenly more afraid of Adams reaction. What was I thinking suggesting something that has to do with gaston. Tense silence claims us one minute passes. Then two. Three. After what feels like an hour Adams eyes betray a single emotion and he explodes.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I DO Not want you anywhere near that man ever. Ever again." I close my eyes accepting his reason to shout.

"Adam, I don't want her hurt. Please Adam she doesn't deserve to be unhappy she already lost her mother. Gaston threatens to remove her father from the picture too. She doesn't deserve this Adam and I don't want to sit by and watch her life be ruined by him. If I could find a way to remove him from the picture than I would but Adam I need to do this for her. For myself. Please." I plead taking a firm hold on my hair. Stress suddenly eats me alive. Why am I feeling like this? Why? I am happy here. I don't need to get involved in the towns problems. But I need to do this.

Adams shoulders sag in defeat, sadness and understanding taking hold of his thoughts and actions.

"Go to her. Help her. But if he hurts you, if he so much as looks at you in any way to make you feel threatened. Tell me, tell me and I will destroy him." I launch foreword wrapping my arms around his shoulders and neck hugging him tightly. He rocks backwards in surprise his strong arms lacing around my lower back hugging me back. I kiss his cheek and run down the stairs forgetting I need him in order to get back into the castle.

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