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The thought of braving villeneuve again terrifies me but Adam has started to question why I'm gone so long and with the weather getting colder it's getting harder and harder to make it to Paris and back.

The town no longer sings, most of the villagers have packed up and moved away before the cold hits, others scurry down damp streets bustling into warm stores to collect the necessities before the snow comes. I'm here to do the same, Adam says there is a plot in the garden full of vegetables and fruits that still grow despite the cold we can use all I need is to get bread, milk, eggs, flour, sugar and cheese.

I adjust the wool lined grey velvet cloak around my shoulders and slip into the warm bakery. The sweet smell assaults me immediately.

"Bonjour? Monsieur baker?" A familiar women pops up from below the counter. My shoulders slump, I would have to face her some day.

"Bonjour, Ma." I step towards the counter adjusting the already almost full pack in my grasp. "Bonjour Océana." She speaks venomously. "Can I get four loafs S'il vous plaît." Ma stares at me before turning and pulling four loaves from the small warm stack behind her. She wraps them and hands them to me as I hand her six euros. "Merci Ma." I turn placing the bread in my bag as I walk away.

"Where have you been? You've been gone nearly a month. I haven't seen you or heard from you. Gaston says you have run off with belle in the market and you two talked two weeks ago." I snorted. Of course gaston is who she is getting her information from. Not belle or Maurice.

"Gaston is not to be trusted Ma, he is a liar and a monster. Ask belle. I have found my home Ma. I am happy." My mother gives a weak smile from behind the counter. "You have found a boy darling not a home. He will use you, buy your affection so he can get under your skirts. Wait until he sees your disfigurement, you will be on the street in no time. Come home." I shake my head grabbing the door handle.

"It's stopped being my home when you beat me for papa's death."

The frost creeps through the stones as I walk towards my final destination, the fabric shop. I find comfort in wearing my night robes from India around the castle. Adam says it is as much my home as his and I should do as I please if that includes walking around in nothing more than a pair of panties and a corset I am allowed. I won't simply because having my imagination run wild with the thought of adam's flustered and shocked expression makes me laugh.

I'm yanked into an alley again. Gaston hovers in front of me, rage snarling his features. "Océana, you've made your mother cry. I can't simply let you walk back to your pathetic man to warm his bed now can I knowing you have cause your mother harm." He purrs. I shove as him, it's like pushing on a mountain and expecting it to move.

He laughs, a throaty fake laugh. "You are not getting away that easy." He unclips my cloak, letting the warm grey fabric fall to the ground at the hem of my lilac dress. The cold seeps into my skin quickly, shivers rack my body in seconds. "Now now. Don't be scared. I won't do anything that your owner hasn't already." He strokes my cheek before drawing back his hand and striking me.

The impact jars my head sideways, my neck makes a popping sound. I whimper pressing my back against the cold stone building. Gaston laughs. "What is his name?" Gaston questions turning my head forcibly back to face him. I don't answer and he strikes again. My skin bruises under his hand. Pain explodes sending a gasp from my lungs.

"What is his name?!" Gaston shoved me hard into the wall, my head cracking back against the surface. "Adam." Gaston nods. "Does he treat you well?" I cower back before the next three blows force the air from my lungs and blood down my face staining my lips and dripping off my chin.

"He treats me as his equal. Let's me do as I please, willingly accepts 'no' as an answer." Gaston shoves me to the ground, my palms split on the uneven stone. "Good. How will he react to seeing you like this? Should I watch over my shoulder for this Adam?" He bends down studying my split lip, bloody nose, bruised face and skinned palms.

"He will me angry, he might yell but Adam will do nothing to you Gaston. For your sake, be glad." I spit. Blood flecks his boots. "Oh sweet cousin. Sweet dreams." His blood collides with my body, sending the stars spinning.


The blood and tears still stain my face as I walk up the front stair. Every part of my body screams in agony mostly my face. My eye is almost swollen shut, my cheek is bruised almost black, my nose is bruised and bleeding, my lip is split, my palms are bleeding, my knees are too, my chest and ribs protest greatly when I breath to deeply and my head pounds.

The front door is open. Adam stands waiting. Panic sends my stomach into a knot, my hands shake. I tug nervously at my hood walking towards him. I'm late that's why he is waiting.

"Océana. I got worried. Is everything alright?" His paw lands lightly on my shoulder but I flinch, pain burns in my chest as the a fresh wave of blood dribbles down my face. Adam notices. "Océana?" I brush past him. "Everything's fine. I had a small run in with my Ma." I turn away before the light can hit my face.

Adam tails me into the kitchen, Ms. Potts, chip and Lumière are in the dining room playing on the table. I give a polite greeting to them and head into the kitchen shoving everything away with haste. "Océana-" "I'm fine Adam." I don't mean to snap. I have never snapped at him. Adam is taken aback confusion and sadness washing away his concern. Guilt washes over the pain for a moment before my breathing brings the pain in again drowning me.

"Have I done something to upset you?" He speaks softly as I walk towards the stairs. "No Adam. I'm fine. I'm tired I wish to go to bed." Not entirely a lie.

"Océana." His paw brushes my shoulder, pulling the soft fabric away from my head. "No-" I can't catch the material before it falls from my head revealing the bloody mess of my face. Adam gasps. I hide my face going to run up the stairs. His paw cages my wrist keeping me from leaving. Blood smears across his fur.

"Who did this?" A growl slips from his throat. I tug gently at my wrist to get away. "Océana who did this?! Who did this to you?" His voice rises steadily to vicious snarl. "It was an accident! It was an accident it's nothing I promise it was nothing." I realize my mistake the second the words leave my mouth. It's what I said last time. I just told him it's happened before without intentionally telling him and lied while doing so.

"Do you not trust me?" His shoulders sag, his grip faltering from my wrist. "No Adam I do! I do trust you. I trust you with my life but I swear this was-" "you're lying! Why do you keep lying to my face?! Why won't you just tell me?!" He shouts.

"Because I was afraid this was how you would react! I don't want you to worry about something you can't control!" I yell. He stares at me, the gleaming fire in his eyes fade. "You're afraid. Of me." "No! Adam! I'm fine! I promise that I'm fine! It's only a bit-" black clouds my vision cutting me off. "Océana?" Searing pain twists up my side, I gasp stumbling back on the stairs. "Océana!" Adam lunges forward catching me before my back strikes the floor.

"Ms. Potts!" He shouts scooping me up. He heads up to the west wing without hesitation. "What happened Océana? Tell me what happened." I open my mouth, words fail me. "Océana! Breathe!" He exclaims lying me on the bed. My head falls back into the pillow a strangled gasp leaving my lips.

"Adam, I'm scared." And the world falls back.

Time turner ⚜️prince Adam ⚜️Where stories live. Discover now