Chapter 3: Meet up

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Asuna walked up to the shoe rack and saw Liz and Silica talking by the gate.

"My goddd, the teachers gave us lots of homework.I don't think I'll be able to hand in on time . I'm a slacker, you know." Liz frowned.

"Cheer up, Liz-San! We can do our homeworks together in game. It'll be fun! We can teach each other too!"

Liz gave a =_= face. (I don't know how to describe this face haha) "You do know that the person we can ask to is Asuna and Kirito only, right?"

"ehehehe~ well, we'll just have to do our best then."

Asuna finished wearing her shoes and walked into their conversation. "It's okay. We can do our homework together. Just ask me anything you don't understand and I'll help out as much as I can. :)" Liz and Silica were startled for a sec but soon cheered up in relief. "thanks soo much" they both said in unison.

"By the way kirito is not here yet? " Asuna asked.

Liz pointed to a direction. "His here."

"Sorry im late, the teacher asked me to help out with the handouts. Did I miss something?"Kirito disclaimed while walking towards their direction.

" we just talked about doing our homeworks together, you in? "Liz asked." emm, okay. I'll probably sleep the whole time tho"

"I won't let you sleep until you've done all your homework, understood?" Asuna changed from cat to tiger. "understood." Kirito nodded.

"let's go." silica said

The 4 friends walked down the road towards the train station. Liz and Silica walked in front while Kirito and Asuna walked behind them. There were a few students who are walking home too.

"you all wanna go to the new Cafe nearby?" Liz asked "A new Cafe opened?! I want to check it out!!" it seemed like Silica's cat ears popped out. "you going? Asuna?"Kirito looked at me." I can't. My mother wants me home immediately after school. Apparently she wants to talk about something important. "

" I see. Then, Liz and Silica. You two go ahead. I'll walk Asuna back. We'll dive at around 9pm. "

" Roger that. " Liz and Silica answered

Soon, the 4 became 2 and walked to different directions.

Silica and Liz

Liz pov

" Hey Silica, how do you feel about Kirito being is head over heels with Asuna ?"

" hmm, they are so lovey dovey that I myself can even look them in the eye. What about you, Liz san?"Silica asked.

" Well... I just can't help to tease Asuna everyday. I'm soooo jealous of them!! "

" yea, you're right. "

Silica and Liz both sigh and laugh afterwards at the same time.

Back to kirito and asuna.

Just blocks away from the train station . Asuna's face expression seemed stressed. Kirito felt worried and asked.

" You nervous? "

" yea....What if she tells me to change schools again?"

"That won't happen.. You changed her mind haven't you? Everything's gonna be fine. Maybe she just wants you to do dinner tonight."

Both of them laughed

"も... I'll just have to wait and see."

Kirito took Asuna's hand and they walked hand in hand until the train station.

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