Chapter 12 : Friends

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I sat at the swing in the park near my neighborhood

An hour passed since I confessed...

By now I've already calmed myself down.

" I should go home now..." I stretched  my body and tried to be normal as possible

I opened the front door

" tadaimaa" I yelled

"oh, Welcome back!! How's school today?" mom peeked out of the kitchen wall and asked

"woof!" a mini corgi came running towards me

" Mao--come mere---" 

I patted her and answered.."well... normal as usual..."

I sat on the sofa and put my bag beside me  as I played with my little dog

"hmm... speaking about that... Did you give him the chocolates?" mom became curious..

"ehh--?" I was surprised for a second..

I recalled the things that happened...

"yeah... I thanked him for his kindness... That's all." 

Mom knew that something was wrong but just said

" good job!! Now go and clean yourself. Your father will be home in a bit . are you hungry? " she started to prepare the table

"no... I'll go to sleep soon after I finish my homework.. Just eat without me." I put down Mao and went upstairs 

"that girl... She's a growing child after all. Hehe" mom continues to do her cooking

I closed the door behind me and plopped down on my bed

"what a crazy day..."  a thought suddenly ran across my head...


I slapped myself with both my hands

" just go to bed and dream about happy things!!!!"

The next day

I was walking to class and saw someone running towards me

"ohh it's Nanami"

"yuu chan!! So, how did it go?? " she asked curiously

Nanami and Miiko are from another class. They are my best friends since I moved here

" well.. I was rejected..." I looked as if I wasn't bothered

" what did he say?" Miiko asked

I looked down as I say

" he says he has somebody else he likes.. It's not like I don't know about it" I chuckled as I replied

She crossed her arms and started

" yeah.. You should know that this was already predicted.  Well... We'll be here for you..." Miiko conforts and pats my head

I thanked " yeah"

Meanwhile with Nanami

"Mii-chi..." Nanami cried and hugged her

" now why are YOU the one crying?" she pats her head too

"ugh... I'm sad about Yuu chan..." 

Miiko sighed

Miiko has always been the most mature one among us and always giving us advice

"okay... Class is starting soon. I'm going now.. Bye!!" I said

"ohh bye!" Nanami greeted and Miiko waved

As soon as I walked to class I saw him sitting in his seat

"Move on!" I thought to myself

I waved


He looked at me and smiled

"oh.. Morning -" *yawn*

I made a conversation

" you tired? Class just started you know." 

He shrugged and answered

" too much schoolwork... Im dying..."

I giggled

Suddenly he looked at a different direction

"oh the teacher's here." 

By the hallway

" Yuu chan looks a bit sad isn't she?" Nanami said to Miiko as they walk back to class together...

"yeah... But she'll be okay... She has us to talk to."  she joked

"ehehehe... I'll try my best to cheer her up!!!" Nanami felt energetic all of a sudden

" that's good to hear"

Hello readers!! 

This chapter is a bit short... But I had fun writing it 🙆

There's just too much stuff to do... 📖

Well as alwayzz


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