Chapter 5 : Homeworks

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That night

One new message

Kirito opened his smartphone and it was Asuna.

" helloo kirito kun. What are you doing now? Are you free? Let's log in for a while." - asuna

I replied.

" heyy.. I was doing my homework and I'll finish in a bit. I'll log in about 10 minutes later. You can dive first if you want to."

Their message were instant

" okay. I'll go play with Yui for a bit. <3 "

I closed my phone and concentrated on my homeworks.

" finally done...... " I stretched and felt relieved.

I grabbed the amusphere and lied on the bed.

" Link start!! "

The moment I open my eyes again I see a fire place which was one of the feature of our cabin house. Everytime I step into this house, i would feel a calm and soothing feeling which was different than my house in the real world. Was it just data? Is the house supposed to have these extra buffs? My train of thoughts were cut off by Asuna's voice.

"good evening!! Kirito kun."
Asuna is in her long dress and undine character.

"good evening!! Papa!!" Yui came and tackled me.

"good evening, how are you doing? Did you have a great time?" I asked as I sat at the sofa.

"mama was talking to me about a newly transferred student in your school, papa." Yui said broadly.

"I see." kirito sat beside Asuna.

About an hour later.


"alright! It's time for bed now Yui." kirito stood up

"jaa~ we'll stop here for now" Asuna said.

Yui is already blurry

"good night. Papa, mama."

"good night." kirito and asuna both said in unison.

Yui pixelised.

It was just Asuna and Kirito



"Earth to Asuna."

"eh? Ahh..sorry... . I was thinking about something else." Asuna apologized.

Kirito felt worried and hugs Asuna.

"what's wrong. You can tell me about it. I'll hear you out. That's the boyfriend's job you know. Don't just keep it inside ." Kirito expressed.

"it's nothing. I'm just thinking too much I hope."

"what do you mean by 'I hope'?"

"you see... This Yuuna girl. She seemed suspicious. it's as if... Ugh... I don't want to say any more. Just promise me you won't let me go.. "

kirito has no choice but to reply.

"I won't let you go. Besides, we've already gone 'this' far."

Asuna giggled.

"it's late already. Let's log off." Kirito suggests.

"okay. Good night"

Kirito and Asuna logged off.

The next day.

Break time at school.

Kirito pov

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