Chapter 8 : Preparations

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Few days before


Asuna, Liz and Silica were walking home together.

"hey Asuna! You know what day is coming??" Liz suddenly asked.

"mmm.... ohhh Valentines day!! I almost forgot!!" Asuna stood still.

"Does Asuna san have any plans? " Silica asked..

"Maybe she's gonna hog Kirito all to herself for the whole day, hahahah"

"Liz!!" Asuna blushed

"okayyy! Here's the plan. "

Liz spread her arms and placed around Asuna's and Silica's shoulders.

"let's bake some chocolates together!! It'll be fun!!" Liz suggested.

"ohhh nice idea!! I'm in!!" Silica immediately agreed.

"let's go to Asuna's house then!! I bet that you live in some sort of a mansion. Hehe" Liz continued.

Asuna thought for a while...

"okay then!! How about this weekend?"

"okayyy" the other two spoke in unison..

"Remember to keep it a secret from kirito. Got that?" Liz said.

"ok ok" Asuna and Silica laughed.

That weekend.

The 3 had already told kirito that they were not free to dive into Alo. Kirito somewhat knew that they had plans together but didn't want to ruin it.


Asuna opened the front door.

" Liz!! good morning!! Wow, is that all chocolates?! Anyways, Come in come in. " Asuna greeted.

"thanks. Yesterday I went to the supermarket and bought a whole cart of chocolates. Mainly dark chocolate. Hehe. Uwaaaaa!! Your house is so big!!!"

Her eyes were all over the place.

"you can put your bag on the kitchen top. I'm gonna go prepare some tea" Asuna said.

As Liz went on admiring the house. The door bell rang once again.

"That must be silica chan." Asuna put down the tea set onto the table and went to the door.

"good-- good morning!! Asuna san!!" Silica greeted

"finally you came!! Look at the house!! It's like a museum!! Also, you can put your bag on the kitchen top. " Liz talked from behind Asuna.

A few moments later the other 2 calmed down and started.

" Asuna,Asuna... Can we see your room??" Liz asked.

"yea yea!! Can we??" silica asked with her eyes sparkling.

"okay okay Follow me!!" Asuna okayed.

The moment Asuna open her bedroom door.

"oh my God.. It looks soo futuristic!!! Almost everything is automated. You really are rich eh..." Liz teased.

"this room is bigger than my kitchen...."

Silica is busy looking around with her big eyes.

"ohhh heheh. I've just thought of something!" Liz said in her heart.

Liz suddenly came close to Asuna.

" hey hey... Has Kirito been to your house yet??" she asked.

"yeah! It was when I started to lose my memory due to the Augma thing...and..." Asuna recalled back started to blush like a tomato.

"what is it?? Ahh.. Nevermind. I'll just ask. How far did you two go?" Liz smirked.

"he just... Ahhhh--- we didn't do anything!! What are you trying to ask?!" Asuna pouted.

"you can tell us anything anytime Asuna san!!" silica supported.

"well it's up to her... We don't have much time left.. Let's get to the chocolates!!!" Liz tried to move on to another topic.

In the kitchen

"I've also went chocolate shopping yesterday... They were all half sold out!!" Asuna went to the fridge and took out a bunch of bars.

"yea.." Liz agreed.

"it seems.... Almost everyone makes honmei choco now..." Silica explained while taking out hers.

"let's make some and give to Klein san and Agil san" Asuna suggested.

"okay okay. But I think Klein will be crying in happiness." Liz continued.

"hahaha" Asuna and Silica laughed.

They started chopping the chocolates.

"what flavour are you making? Liz san." Silica asked.

"well... I like dark chocolate so dark chocolate it"

"I'm thinking of making milk chocolates..." silica giggled.

Asuna went to the bottom drawers and took out some moulded trays.

"I have some trays that we could use. There are many shapes and the most special ones are the heart shapes. Luckily I have four of them..." Asuna sighed.

"okayy!!" Liz and Silica understood

A few moments later.

"okayyy now we'll just have to play the waiting game." Liz said.

They've already put their batter into the oven.

While waiting, Silica asked.

"so...who are you two going to give these chocolates to?"

"I'll probably give to you all and to some peeps in my class...." Liz answered.

"hmm.... Me too..."Asuna said.

" kirito will get a hand full of chocolates made from such beautiful cute girls haha!! He better be thankful. " Liz joked.

" hahaha"


" that means the new girl is going to give some to kirito too!!" Liz continued

"I'm sure it's only just giri choco as a thanks for him teaching her all the time..." Silica said.

"yea." Asuna said.


"it's ready!!" silica said.

Asuna wore a pair of mitted oven gloves and took out the moulds.

They each carefully took out one for testing.

"not bad!!!" Liz and silica sighed in relief.

"good job everyone!!!" Asuna cheered.

They packed 5 chocolates in each cute baggies.

"they turned out great didn't they?" Asuna said.

"yea... I'm glad it didn't blow up the oven haha" Liz replied.

Silica looked at the time.

"it's late already!! I'll be late for dinner! Silica panicked.

" okay okay. We did a good job. See you all next week! "Liz and Silica went to the front door with they bag now only filled with packs of chocolates.

"byee!!!" silica waved in the distance.

Asuna waved and closed the door happily.

She looked at her bags of chocolates laying on the table.

"I hope kirito kun likes them." Asuna thought to herself and smiled as she took them all up to her room.

Hello readers!!! Chapter 8 is now out!! Chapter 9 will be out soon ^^


Thanks for reading!!!!

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