Chapter 15: New year , New me

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It would be best to put away all the bad things that happened behind , and be prepared for the good things that will happen next time . Let's be happy and start the new year with happiness !!

3 months later.

" Kirito ! Here, take this. "

" what ? What's this for ? "

"Asami actually bought one for me already and i can't drink both at the same time so i'm giving you instead. " The girl handed the still cold dripping beverage to him.

The boy didn't seem to understand what she said and just looked at her which immediately irritated her.

"Just take it !! "

" If that's the case , thanks . Really appreciate it . "

He takes the coffee milk and place it inside his bag.

" Yuu!! Let's go ! " a voice calls her name.

The guy walked straight into the classroom and stood beside her. Kirito somewhat looks at the person with curious eyes

" Come on ! Can't you just leave me alone ? Geez you're so annoying ..." Yuuna pouted

" I can't ~~~ , oh , who's this guy ? " Haruka looked down at him.

The girl looked at kirito and replies , " just a friend , I came to give him a gift . "

" Kirito is it ? i'm Haruka , from the basketball club. " He raised his hand and waved at him.

" Hi ..." He waves back.

Haruka teases " he looks handsome though , suits my taste . "Yuuna hits him in his shoulder.

" Seriously ? " she said

Haruka suddenly wraps his hands around Yuuna's shoulder. " Let's go , we're gonna be late for the show . "

Yuuna looks at her phone

" oh shoot ! You're right ! We should get going ! See you tomorrow Kirito ! " The girl placed her pencil case into her bag and went away with Haruka.

Kirito just smiles and continue with his work.

At the park

" Yuu , there's something important that I need to tell you about . " Haruka said seriously as the 2 of them sat aside each other at the swings

Yuuna moved her legs symmetrically as the swing moves with the direction

" what ? You gonna get a part time job ? " she simply guesses

Haruka gets up ." nope , not at all. "

He walks side ways and stood infront of her. Yuuna stops swinging and looks up to him.

" I like you , I like everything about you , your smiles when I joke around , your annoying little bracelets or when you show off about your talent to everyone . "

"wha...? "

He continues

" you were always with me when I had troubles with my , parents , grades or even friends . It was because of you I got to break the wall between me and the world and communicate openly with everyone . "

Yuuna just looks at him in shock.

" And now , I want to be there for you and always be by your side . " he said as he looks embarrassed

Haruka squats down and is now at the same level with Yuuna who was sitting on the swing.

She avoids looking at him in the eyes and stares at his shirt instead.

" so , your reply is ? " Haruka asks

Yuuna hits his chest softly with her left hand with no intention of transmitting pain but sort of as an indication.

" Idiot , I like you too . And I want to be by Haruka's side . " she says softly as if she was speaking with the ants

Haruka teases . " what did you say ? I didn't hear you . "

Yuuna finally says loud and clear " I like Haruka too ! "

" I'm glad . " Haruka smiles before pulling the ropes of the swing closing the gap between them and kisses her.

" So from now on , you are my girl . " Haruka says.

" Aren't your legs tired ? " She blushes and tries too change the topic.

Haruka got up . " of course not ! In fact , today is the happiest day of my life ! "

" Im hungry , let's go eat , bbq ? " Yuuna asks.

" yessss I'm craving for some beef !! "

Haruka extends his hands insisting to hold hands together.

" Idiot . I thought you were into boys . " she went over and they held hands

Haruka pecks Yuuna's cheeks in a second

" no , I'm into you . " he holds in his pride and stays silent

" sigh...what am I gonna do with you ..."

- End-

To anyone who was waiting for a new chapter for this story, I am so sorry that i have not been updating... As I was busy with school , i admit that I did not have to the motivation to think of ideas for new chapters...Now that a few years have passed i want to at least end this with its final chapter. I am very thankful to everyone for reading my story and continued until the end even though i am so bad at writing !!I hope that this fanfic had lighten up your day even just 3% 🙂

*bows 90 degree 1000 times*


Thanks everyone !! Hoping for the best to all of you !! 🍀🍀

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