Chapter 6. 8 : Realization

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Hello readers!! I wrote a bit too long so I'll be putting up 2 parts of chapter 6 .. Enjoy ^^


They were awaken by the sunlight ray coming from their bedroom window.

It is now the next day.

"good morning, Kirito kun. " Asuna greeted with a morning kiss.

" *sigh*is it morning already? I feel so sleepy.... Zzzz" kirito lie back on the bed and started to go back to sleep.

"kirito kunnn if you don't wake up now, we will be late for scho---- uwahh!!"

Kirito grabbed Asuna's hand and pulled her down making her lying down the bed with him. Kirito hugged her with his right hand.

"it's all because of you who wanted more....zzzz" kirito teased.

"wha----" Asuna blushed and her face is now like a tomato.

Kirito was then satisfied looking at her expression.

"yoshh--- I'm awake." Kirito sat up.

"do you want to walk together to school? I can wait for you at the train station." kirito continued.

"okayyyy. That sounds great." Asuna agreed.

Both of them logged out and started to prepare for school.

At the table.

"onii chan! Let's do the quest tomorrow okay? Be sure to invite Asuna san. " Suguha asked cheerfully.

"okay. *yawn*" kirito yawned.

"? Are you sleepy? What were you doing last night?schoolwork? You went to your room pretty quickly yesterday after dinner... Suspicious....I can imagine a few things but..." Suguha said.

"it's nothing.." kirito finished his breakfast earlier.

"thanks for the meal. I'm going to school with Asuna so I'll be going ahead first. Bye" the door opened and closed.

"those two.....ahhhhh" Suguha thought and down her milk.

Asuna looked through the mirror and touched the necklace..


She shut her door and walked out of her house compound.

"ekkk I get to walk to school with kirito kun!! This day can't get any better." Asuna thought and smiled to herself.

A little time later..

Asuna saw a black haired boy wearing the same school uniform standing round the corner of the stairs.

Asuna decided to scare him...

She quietly went to the back of kirito..and hugged him from back.

"good morning !! Kirito kun!!" Asuna was as happy as usual.

Kirito was actually startled for a bit.

"ohh good morning Asuna. You startled me you know."

"ahh sorry sorry. Let's go!!"

While they were talking.. Kirito remembered.

"ohh Asuna. Sugu said that she wants to do a quest tomorrow. You wanna join in? She said that it has a good drop item." kirito asked.

"okayyyy. I'm free the whole day tomorrow. What time will we meet??" Asuna asked.

"Around 8pm after dinner I guess..." kirito answers.


Few minutes later...

The school compound can already be seen in a distance.

"Kirigaya kunnn!!! Good morning!!!" A familiar voice became clearer and clearer.

Everyone was looking at them.

Kirito and Asuna looked behind. A violet colour long haired student came running towards them. It's Yuuna..

Kirito answered as she got closer. "good morning."

"good morning againn! This is the first time I've seen you walking to school hehehe." as soon as she was aware of a orange haired girl who was walking beside him.

"she's pretty... I haven't seen her before in our block.. Is she not same as our age? Is she a senpai?!" yuuna thought about that for a second.

Asuna thought "ohh so this is Yuuna san!"

"Yuuna san is it? Good morning! I've heard a lot about you from Kazuto kun!" Asuna said.

Kirito realized that he haven't really introduced her yet.

"Yuuna. This is Asuna. Asuna. This is Yuuna." kirito said.

"Nice to meet you Asuna san. Let's get along well. :)" Yuuna said.

"same here! :)" Asuna said.

"ohh look at the time!! I'll be going first. See you in class! Kirigaya kun."Yuuna sprinted into the school.

" she seems to be a nice girl. "Asuna suggests.

" she's okay. You don't think too much okay? "kirito finished his sentence with a pat on Asuna's head.


" oh no!! We're gonna be late!! I'll dash to class now!! See you later!! " Kirito said.

" okay okay!! "Asuna sprinted to her class too.

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