Chapter 9 : Valentines Day P1

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Beep beeeep


She looked over to the phone beside her bed.

February 14

"yess! Finally here!! Today's gonna be a fun day!!"

Asuna glanced to the baggies on the table and got out of bed.

Kirito pov

" what's this?"

"what do you mean - what's this -? They're chocolates. I made them with my friends the other day." Sugu explained.

"ah..." they tasted bad the first time she made me eat them...

Sugu feels embarrassed and pushed it towards me

"just take it!!my friends taught me how to make them and I've already tasted them so they are fine. " she pouted.

I behaved normal and took it.


She smiled and welcomed.

"your welcome!! :)"

I walked down the street as I always do and started gazing through the skies...

"this world is so much different then Sao.. I'll just need to go to school everyday instead of fighting monsters and bosses.... it feels rather boring to just repeat the same thing everyday.. But hey... I have Asuna and the others that I met in that death game... Life's not that bad after all... I'm glad that I bought that nerve gear.. "

I thought to myself as I walk the direction to school.

Suddenly someone came close and spoke me.

" ohayou!!! Kirigaya kun! You look like you're deep in your thoughts.... What ya thinkin bout?"

Its Yuuna.

I came back to my senses

"ohayou. I'm just thinking that life isn't that bad after all... Good things will come to you eventually.. Things like that..." I continued to waked and she followed beside me.

At first.. She had a questionable expression but then a smile crawled up her face and lead to a laugh.

"what's so funny about..."

"hehehe..nothing ---(my life has become better since I met you..)" Yuuna blushed.

"ahhhh!!! Kirigaya kun. Know what today is?? Hmmmmmm?" her face came up close to me

"of course.. It's Valentines day. Everyone should already be talking about it eh..."

I looked around carefully seeing that most of the girls had a small bag with them full of packed chocolates.

"anyways!! I'm counting on you today too!!! Okay?" she smiled again and walked away.


"I know that..." we went to our own
shoe lockers to change our shoes.

As I put my shoes up into the locker, I heard someone called my name.

"kirito kun. Ohayo!" Asuna called

"oh Asuna. Morning ." I replied

We walked to the stairs together where we'll separate to our own classes.

"we'll meet at the rooftop afterwards ,okay? Remember to come faster or else Liz's gonna blow up again...." Asuna reminded me.

"I'll try my best." I was in a happy mood then.

"I have class duty now so I'll go to class first... Bye!! Ohh and another thing!!" she stopped suddenly and leaned towards me.

Asuna said softly to my right ear before sprinting off. "today's Valentines day!!"

I looked at her for a while as she turned the corner and I walked to my class.

As I sat down at my place Yuuna called me.

"neh! Kirigaya kun!!! You know!! I'm 10 000 times more happy than I usually am!!!" she told me

"did something good happen?" I asked.

"hehe I'm keeping it a secret ~~" she teased.


The class door opened and the homeroom teacher came in.

A few hours later

"huh.... Our classmates gave us soo many gonna gain weight again from eating all of them...." Liz sighed.

" ohh and you're worried about 'that' now?" kirito teases

"what does that mean?!" Liz yelled

She was stopped by silica touching her shoulder..


Silica and Liz handed kirito each a cute pink bag.

"here! These are from us!" Liz announced.

"I hope you like them. Hehe. We made them together with Asuna san." silica added.

"ohh.. I see.. Okay, Thanks!" kirito thanked with a smile.

"I'll give it to you after school. ^^" Asuna whispered to him...

"ahh ok."

Silica and Liz suddenly realized something and announced.

"after school we are planning on going to the mall together.. Do you two wanna join us?" silica asked.

"I can't.. Maybe next time.." kirito said.

"I'm gonna wait for kirito kun so you two go ahead." Asuna suggested.

"oya oya... You two.... Suspicious...." Liz started thinking about 20 reasons why....

"again with you talking like that...." kirito stated.

" just remember to not do it when someone's around hehe" Liz started.

"wha--!!" the couple both blushed and look away at the same time.

Silica and Liz chuckled..


Valentines Day part 1 😁😁😁😁

Part 2 will be out tomorrow!! 😙😙

And again... Thanks for reading!!!!!

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