Chapter 13 : Friends Forever

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" Yuu-chan..." Nanami called

I blanked out as I was looking up the blue sky...

Were the skies always this blue?

" what is it yuuna? You're different today you know" Miiko said.

I looked at her

" does it? I feel normal tho..."

Nanami yelled

"ohhh!!! Yuu chan has finally climbed up the stairs of adulthood!!!"

By that she got a flick up her forehead by Miiko


" what should I do with that mouth of yours..." Miiko continued

"well well.. There's nothing to worry about." I said

We were having our lunch break beneath our usual tree

" oh speak of the devil.." Miiko started

" I won tickets for the amusement park for this weekend. You two wanna go?"

" Naniiiii?! Amusement park??? It's been ages since I've been there!!! Yuu chan let's go!! It'll be fun!!!" nanami jumped

" okay okay I'll go. "

" yayyyy!!!! What should I wear?? Ooooo I can't wait!!! " she continued


I got up and patted my back

" right... Let's go back to class. "

" okayy"

It's been a few weeks since 'that'

Afterschool revision kept on as usual. It was awkward a bit but soon we went back to usual

I didn't let him stayback as long as the last times since I'll get the wrong conception and my mind would probably explode.

I did pretty well the previous exam. I got into the top 15s of the class. I told him that he wouldn't have to teach me anymore but he insisted on answering my questions .

At least I've improved. I think

"what does this means?" I pointed to the textbook

As usual the classroom was empty so was the hallway

"ahh This is quite tricky."

Its been a long time that I haven't called his name

"---- understand?" he looked up to my eyes

"yea. Thanks very much"

The final exam is coming soon . Do your best okay?

I listened and knodded.

"yea. I will."

"good. So are there any other questions?"

I answered
"nope. That's all. You can go back now. Thanks for today" I bowed slightly

"it's nothing. Anything for a friend."

We packed our things and bid goodbye

"see you tomorrow!" he said

" en! See you."

And again I would always see him walk away with her

" oh my God they are so in love. Haha"
I laughed

I should prepare for tomorrow!!

"it'll be a blast!!!"

The next day

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