Chapter 1

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Tiffany turned her back and started to walk to the dining table in her apartment where a very gorgeous man was smiling as he kept watching that woman's every move.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Tiffany put a plate of sandwiches she had just made on the table. "Is there something funny?"

Jungkook took a slice of sandwich and began to chomp. "Is it illegal to stare at my own girlfriend and smile because she is so pretty?"

Tiffany slouched againsts the table. "Does watching me make you smile from ear to ear?"

Jungkook stop chewing his sandwich. His face was just inches away from Tiffany's. She smelled so good. Jungkook always loved Tiffany's scent in the morning. And it always made his heart race like a wild horse. "Can I kiss you?" He suddenly asked.

Tiffany played with her smile. She flicked Jungkook's nose. "No."

"Why not? I am your boyfriend and I love you so much."

Tiffany laughed. "You can't kiss me because I've made you the sandwiches."

Jungkook put his sandwich down on the plate. "Yah, it isn't fair. Why do you exchange a kiss for a sandwich?"

"And why do you always come in the morning just to get free sandwiches from me?"

Jungkook crossed his arms and stared at his girlfriend, "you don't want me to visit you every morning?"

"Of course not if you always come and wake me up from my sleep. Don't you know that I suffer from sleep deprivation?"

"Ah, I feel bad for you." Jungkook caressed Tiffany's hair. He touched that woman's beautiful face and suddenly kissed her lips.

Tiffany flinched back. She hit Jungkook's hand. "Thief! I told you that you can't kiss me."

Jungkook laughed. "I don't mind stealing a kiss from the only woman I love."

Tiffany curled her lips. "I won't make you sandwiches again tomorrow. That's the price for stealing a kiss from me."

Jungkook smiled. "If you say so, it's fine. I'll trade all sandwiches in this world just to have a kiss from Tiffany Hwang."

Suddenly, a door bell rang. Tiffany sprinted to answer the door.

The moment she opened it, Yuri had just hung up her cellphone. She looked at Tiffany. "Why haven't you got dressed? You should've been ready since fifteen minutes ago. And this is your Starbuck."

Tiffany apologetically grinned as she took a sip of the strawberry & crème frappucino Yuri had bought for her. "Please blame it on Jungkook. He made me make sandwiches for him so that I didn't have time to get dressed."

Jungkook who heard what Tiffany said, choked on his black coffee. "What? You blame it on me?"

Yuri gave Jungkook a sharp glare. "You are rich enough to hire a chef to make you sandwiches. If Tiffany is late for her practice, I am gonna sue you, Jeon Jungkook ssi."

Tiffany nodded agreely.

Jungkook looked confused. "What's wrong with you women? I feel like I shouldn't be here."

"That's right!" Yuri took a sandwich on the dining table. "You shouldn't be here in the first place. What if the press caught you? It would be a disaster, you know? And we can't afford a dating scandal right now."

Jungkook snorted. "Dating scandal? This is what's wrong with Korean entertainment industry. Love is not a sin. Dating shouldn't be considered as a scandal."

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