Chapter 39

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Sung-Hoon soaked Taehyung's head in a big drum full of water.

Taehyung struggled underwater, but he couldn't move since Sung-Hoon had tied his hands behind his back.

After two minutes, Sung-Hoon lifted Taehyung's head off water and tossed him onto the ground.

"You've woken up." Jong-hyun saw his watch. "I thought Sung-Hoon had killed you and ruined the fun."

Taehyung coughed since he swallowed too much water and it severely agonized his broken ribs. Taehyung groaned from the pain.

Sung-Hoon grabbed Taehyung's collar and coerced him to get up.

Jong-hyun dipped his hand in the drum and picked up Taehyung's glasses. He put them back on his face.

"I want you to see me clearly. Listen up, I don't have much time to waste. I must give my present to Tiffany. Oh look," Jong-hyun showed his watch. "She will get married in three hours. I better get dressed."

Taehyung gasped for air. He didn't realize he had passed out for hours. He glanced at a small window in the warehouse, the sky was still dark, but he could hear an indistinct crowing of a rooster. It was already morning.

Jong-hyun pulled out his katana. The sword's sharp tip flashed by. He raised his sword high, ready to cut Taehyung's hands.

Taehyung looked at that sword in horror. At that critical moment, Taehyung made a desperate attempt. He twirled his body up in the air and he took Sung-Hoon who was clutching Taehyung's hands with him.

Both of them fell onto the ground. But since Sung-Hoon was standing behind Taehyung, he landed on the floor first and became a cushion for Taehyung.

And before Jong-hyun could anticipate what had just happened, Taehyung flew a brute kick using his two feet. Jong-hyun toppled backwards.

Taehyung bit his lips since his broken ribs really racked him with pains. But he had to free his hands that were tied with some kind of rope.

Taehyung saw Sung-Hoon tried to get up. Taehyung spontaneously kicked his temple.

Taehyung saw a glass window. He kicked it and broke the glass. Taehyung picked up the biggest broken piece of glass to cut the rope that tied his hands while trying to avoid Jong-hyun who swung his swords at him.

His hands bled since the glass also cut his palms. But he ignored it.

Suddenly, Sung-Hoon grabbed him from behind and locked his arms. But Sung-Hoon made a fatal mistake. Taehyung was holding a sharp piece of glass in his hands.

The moment Sung-Hoon grabbed Taehyung from behind, the sharp piece of glass also accidentally stabbed his abdomen. Sung-Hoon faltered.

"Sung-Hoon-ah!!!!" Jong-hyun glared to see his dongsaeng crash onto the ground and triy to take out the piece of glass that stabbed in his stomach.

Lucky for Taehyung, when the piece of glass he was holding skewered into Sung-Hoon's abdomen, it also cut the rope around Taehyung's hand.

Sung-Hoon threw the piece of glass onto the ground. He scrambled to his feet and looked at Taehyung furiously.

But now, Taehyung was free to use his hands. He kicked and jabbed Sung-Hoon. Taehyung landed a fatal blow on that man's head and sent him against some barrels behind him.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!" Hong Jong-hyun shouted while swinging his sword at Taehyung.

Taehyung spontaneously shunned the sword and stroke Jong-hyun's nose bridge.

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