step 2: ice cream

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you got a promotion today, so you asked if i wanted to go celebrate with you. "of course, yoongi." but when i started walking down main street, you took my wrist and hugged me from the back. though we've been best friends for eleven years and counting, i've never been so close to you before. 

a new feeling of anxiety and electricity surge through my body. you gently put your chin at the crook of my shoulder and swayed me back and forth. "how about we go out for ice cream instead?" wanting to escape your embrace, i nodded frantically.

you smiled and you let go of me. your hand found it's way into mine as you led me to your car.

we didn't talk the entire ride there, but once we got out, your arm looped around my shoulder again. we walked through the doors and ordered our ice cream. 

you deserved that promotion and i assume you worked hard to get it, so i told you to save us a seat while i buy the ice cream. but you insisted that you paid since you're the one who asked me out to celebrate. 

i didn't mind, so i went towards the very back of the shop. i sat waiting for you and our ice creams, my hands underneath my thighs and my legs swinging barely off the booth seat.

within a few minutes, you came back with two cones in your hand. you handed me chocolate while you had strawberry for yourself. 

i didn't know you liked strawberry ice cream, hyung. you always told me that it tasted too artificial and that it was way too sweet. "you like strawberries?" you looked at me dumbfounded like i just asked you the world's stupidest question.

"yeah. my co-worker introduced me to this place so i could try their strawberry soft serve."

i smiled and didn't think too much of it.

"do you want some, jiminie?"

actually, nevermind. 

"no thanks, hyung. you know i can't eat strawberries."

"oh, right...allergies. i forgot."

how could you forget the time you almost saved my life? you were the first to call the ambulance and the only one who stayed with me while i was in recovery for an entire two months. how could you have forgotten, min yoongi?

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