step 20: place the cherry on top

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"you brought me to the ice cream parlor?" i know i might have sounded unenthusiastic but i was just quite surprised that you decided to bring me back to the place where everything fell apart is all.

"i have a surprise for you. if you don't like it, we will never have to come back here if you don't want." i don't remember how i fell in love with you, but when i saw look endearing into my eyes, i felt like i was about to melt under your gaze like i did years ago. something about the glimmer brought me back to our childhood. 

we entered the ice cream parlor and the boy behind the counter smiled at us. i subconsciously ran to the glass, observing all the selection of ice cream. i looked back at you, slipping my fingers in between yours as i pointed to the strawberry flavor.

you furrowed your brows, but at the same time you smiled, making me shrug off the expression. 

"hi, could i get a strawberry cone and a-"

i felt a hand softly brush against my shoulder and i looked at you. you didn't spare me a glance, seeing that you were telling the boy behind the glass to give us a minute.

"why are you getting strawberry, jimin?"

"well...i just thought you'd want strawberry since..."

you breathed a gummy smile and i felt immediately felt small. you cupped my cheeks in the middle of the shop and pressed a soft kiss onto my forehead, earning a hushed "aww" from the boy still patiently waiting to take our orders.  

"i would never associate myself with anything that could harm you. what kind of boyfriend would i be if i accidentally got you hurt, huh?"

"but you-"

"i know and i felt stupid for it. plus, you should already know, jimin..i love chocolate just as much as you do."

i felt a flush of heat rush to my cheeks as i blushed and hid underneath the collar of my jacket. i hit you playfully on the shoulder, watching you walk carefully up to the glass display.

"i'll take two rocky roads and sorry for the wait..."

the boy shook his head and proceeded to scoop out ice cream. you paid and led me to a booth at the back of the shop.

you took both my hands into yours and kissed each finger, seemingly amazed by what you saw.

"from now on, our new tradition will be a little more special, okay?"

"how so, yoongi?"

you chuckled, turning my palms around and kissing the plush flesh.

"chocolate is sweet. but when you add marshmallows, it becomes soft and even sweeter just like how our relationship should be...softer and sweeter than before."

i laughed at your cheesiness.

"and when you add nuts, it could make things a little crazy if you know what i mean."

you let another gummy smile slip and i took my hands out of your grasp to ruffle your hair. i gave you another quick peek on the lips, later placing my hands back into yours.

"but in the end, it could all get a little bumpy down the road of our relationship. even if i say irrational things or if you say anything you don't mean, we need to promise each other to stay strong."

"what do you mean, yoongi..."

"i mean, even if our relationship is a rocky road, we'll come out sweeter and better than ever."

and at that moment, the boy came up to the table to set down our ice creams. the both of us exchanged quiet thank you's, taking in the delicious glory of our sweet treats. yet, before the boy went out of sight and back to the counter, he came close to my ear and said something i was already sure of.

"he's a real keeper."


your girl is back ;) 

big thank you to skye for helping me update this book AND writing her own amazing book (lol thanks for the publicity fam xD) but in all seriousness, i love you skye tysm 💓💓

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