step 18: pop some ice

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jungkook and taehyung have been complaining that i've been moping for too long. and since i refuse to admit to my feelings, they decided to take me out to the diner. i'm actually excited to go for once. the jingle of the bell above the door brings back great memories of us and i swear, i was on the verge of tears when i first entered the restaurant. 

the pink paint that decorated the diner seemed grayer. maybe it's me, but things just weren't the same when i don't come with you. no one seemed to be smiling, everyone just had eyes on their meals and it didn't seem like people enjoyed their time here. all people except jungkook and taehyung. 

they were talking amongst themselves, laughing and giggling with each other as we waited for our milkshakes. 

and when they arrived, even the typical swirl of whipped cream looked down. nothing tasted sweet. the little joy i had from tonight was seeing jungkook and taehyung mingle amongst themselves. 

i blanked out as i stared outside the diner window until taehyung pulled my arm that was propping me against the table, causing my head to slip from under my chin. 

"dude. someone asked you a question." he said, almost in a growl.

i look at him dumbfounded until i see a shadow out of the corner of my eye. and i see you. 

i see you, standing there in all of your beauty, holding a chocolate milkshake. 

"mind if i join you guys?" you held an apologetic smile and at that time, i felt completely guilty for everything i accused of you. 

"y-yeah. of course, you can." it almost hurt to smile but for you, it was a refreshing feeling, one almost foreign to me.

you slid into the booth beside me and a swarm of heat flooded my body. i heard jungkook chuckle but i quickly tuned everything out when i looked into your eyes. they were begging for forgiveness as much as they were screaming for me to say something. 

my eyes flicked down to your lips and you don't know how much i wanted them on mine.

you inched closer but instinctively retracted.

"can i kiss you?" your whispers sent shivers throughout my body and i've never wanted more of your skin on mine as i nodded shyly. 

we went in and it felt like pure bliss to have your lips perfectly fitted onto mine. your warm hands cupped my face and brought our bodies closer. you were the first to pull away because i didn't want the moment to end, even if i was losing air.

before i got to get a good look at your smile, i felt it emerge when you pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. i turn my head to jungkook and taehyung, squealing mericilessly at us as they hugged each other. i smiled after seeing taehyung mouth the words, "i told you so" and frankly, i couldn't have been happier from it. 

 i could feel your fingers play with the ends of my hair as you took a deep breath to press closer onto me. "i love you, jimin. i love you so much." it's funny how the tears that came from you soon followed on my own face. 

"i love you too, yoongi." 

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who else is hella soft rn? 

- skye

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