step 13: start again

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"are you really that fucking selfish to leave him all by himself on his birthday? he may be insensitive and secluded at times, but he's always made time to celebrate yours even though you haven't been there to celebrate all of his. if you're not going to do it for him, at least do it for me and go apologize to him! and i'm not taking 'no' as an answer, park jimin!"

you know what, min yoongi? you should consider yourself lucky that i can't hate you. i was planning to stay in today, maybe watch some cartoons, cry a little on the inside for missing you too much, and maybe take a nap or two.

of course, i knew how much you hated celebrating your birthday. you'd always prefer to stay indoors and work on your tracks. but your birthday is about celebrating the fact that you're getting older and you're maturing everyday until your next birthday.

and though it was never official, i would always buy you a kumamon plush for your birthday. last time i visited your apartment, i saw all of the plushes i gave you, crowding in the corner of your room. thanks for not throwing them out. you have no idea how much money i spent trying to claw those bears at the arcade. i didn't have time to go to the arcade to spend 50,000₩ on a bear because frankly, i didn't want to spend my entire college funds on one bear, even though i would more than likely spend all my life savings on you. but i hope you like the kumamon neck pillow i got you.

but anyways, taehyung convinced me to see you. but if any one were to ask, or if i'm being honest, i really wanted to see you. your text messages stopped and i was getting worried. i thought you actually gave up trying to win me over again. i thought you didn't want me anymore. i just gave up trying to be my friend.

so i went down to the bakery to get you your favorite, matcha black forest. remember when i first got you that cake?


"who the hell mixes green tea with chocolate?"

"c'mon, hyung. it's not that weird. just take a bite."

i remember feeding you and having shaky hands. but your smile made everything worth it. remember how we ended up getting drunk on cake? we ended up getting two more.

"is it good? y-you're not saying anything..."

"we might need to get another one."


i walked into the building. my finger dragged across the directory board.

floor 13 ; branch C : 1393 - Genius Lab

i still remember the first time you took me to your studio. you held my hand while we were going up the elevator because you said there were shady people that wandered in the halls of your building. i asked why you didn't move studios and you said you liked the view your current studio provided.

i rang the caller of your studio. it buzzed.
a few seconds went by before i got close to the speaker to say something.


nothing came through. did you fall asleep?

"hyung? you there?"

nothing but silence.

with one hand holding the cake and the other digging into my pocket, i fished out my phone to call hoseok.

"hello? jimin?"

"ah, hobi! is-"

forgive me for being scared. i didn't hate you. i was just...hurt. too hurt to gather the courage to say your name.

"is y-yoongi hyung at the studio today?"

"oh. uh-"

i heard hoseok hyung put his hand over the speaker and some clattering. there was some mumbling on the other end, but it was too jumbled for me to make out who he was talking or what they said. i had to briefly take my ear away from the speaker to reassure myself that hoseok hyung was still on the line.

"why do you want to know?"

"i wanted to cel- just tell me where he is, hoseok."

"that wasn't my question, jimin."

"i know you were talking to yoongi hyung earlier. just tell him it's important. i'm coming over."

"wait, you're seriously-"

i ended the call.

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skye here ;)
just so you know, i just help seokangels publish her CM chapters. all the upcoming chapters i publish were all prewritten by her since a few of you asked if i was going to help her write it.

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