step 9: pour into a glass

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little did i know, you'd blow up my phone for the next three months. i didn't talk to you. and frankly, i didn't want to. you kept sending me messages, asking me what was wrong and why i grew apart from you. you should know, it was your fault. 

"jimin, talk to me."

"please, where are you?"

"i miss you, minnie. talk to me."

"i know you're reading these. please."

"i miss seeing you smile. i miss hearing you laugh."

"hyung loves you, you know that."

"let's go out for milkshakes. please say you'll come."

"tell me what i did wrong. answer me, at least."

"did something happen between you and jungkook?"

"i'm worried about you, are you okay?"

"why don't we meet? i haven't seen you in forever."

"can i call you, jimin? can i hear your voice?"

"don't ignore hyung. i want to see you. i want to talk to you."

"how are you? i miss you."

"you're still living, right? jungkook didn't feed you strawberries, did he?"

"jimin, please. i can't take it anymore. please call me."

"one text. just one. tell me you're okay."

"i miss you so much. please, i can't be without you, minnie."

"what about our friendiversary promise, jimin?"


i love you, jimin|

i love you, ji|

i love you|

i love y|

i lov|


 i didn't reply to any of them. i left you on read most of the time. but on some nights, i would block your number. i never had the heart to delete any of your messages though. because they helped me fall asleep.

i fell asleep with tear-stained cheeks every night. knowing that you missed me, that you wanted me, i felt happy. 

i wanted to wait until you gave up. a piece of me wanted you to be like the rest and just give up, leave me for better things. 

i wanted you to stop. a piece of me wanted you to stop sending me these messages because they only made me miss you more.

i wanted you to actually come find me. a piece of me wanted you to come over to my house, hug me, kiss me, love me. show me that you really missed me. 

but a big part of me still held on. 

taehyung was disappointed. he goes on a trip to visit his parents for a few weeks and he has to come back to his roommate sobbing quietly in his bedroom late at night just because his first love, his first best friend, left him for something fatal to the other.

 he threatened to call you over. he said that if i really missed you, i should go see you. but i didn't ask to miss you. neither did i ask to love you, to get hurt by you. but this is you we're talking about.

"this has gone too far, jimin. you have to see him! he's miserable too! he's been crying to hoseok for months."

a part of me didn't really care. hoseok was friendly. he was charming and handsome and bright. everything that i'm not.

"you're going to make the man die of sadness. he doesn't want to talk anyone but you!"

i could really care less if yoongi didn't want to talk. he could flirt with any other person on earth and i wouldn't mind. he was never mine in the first place. i can't tell him what to do or who to talk to.

"stop being so fucking selfish, you idiot! you only think about yourself! yoongi is dying without you. i've never seen him so thin and pale before, even in the past. you better fucking talk to him or i'm calling him over." 

 so taehyung called you over and we finally saw each other after three months.

we sat at opposite sides of the couch. i could feel your eyes burning through my skin. but i never spared a glance. i was going to break at any moment. 

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