step 5: heavy cream

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it was when i stepped out of dance class did you approach me. we haven't talked or seen each other in a week. i missed seeing your sparkling eyes. and i missed seeing your blonde locks. only now, they're starting to brown at the root and fade at the tips. it looks gorgeous on you nonetheless, yoongi.


one week without seeing each other and all i get is a "hey". no hug, no shoulder bump, no smile to greet me. just a "hey". 

"hi, yoongi."

you like it when i say your name, don't you? you always smile when i do. i find it cute. 

"are you busy tonight? i still owe you."

and to think, i thought you forgot. giving me the silent treatment for a week and the time you finally talk to me was to subtly forgive me for whatever the hell i did wrong. 

if you were to say this in front of anyone else but me, i doubt they would make time for you even if they have nothing better to do. but it isn't anyone else. it's me. 

so, of course, i said i didn't have any plans. because this is you we're talking about. and this is me we're talking about. if you knew, then you would know i couldn't have said no.

"great. i'll pick you at 7."

and you just left. no hug. no smile. just nothing. 

it didn't feel sincere. are you actually going to pick me up? or are you going to lie to me again? 

you know i'm fragile, yoongi. you knew from the moment you met me because you were afraid to touch me. you looked at me with caution as if i could break at any moment just from your eyes alone. so why does it look like you're the one who's going to break?

CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE ☞ Y. MINWhere stories live. Discover now