Chapter 1

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Kai's POV

I stood by Lloyd's side, his arms in shackles, as he knelt on the cold stone floor of Chen's temple. I watched as Lloyd was stripped from his elemental powers. I clenched my fists; I wanted to knock that Staff of Elements right out of Chen's hands, but I stayed calm and didn't act. This was an essential part of the plan after all.

Skylar stood still, watching the events unfold at Clouse's side from their spot at the edge of the platform. Below us, Chen's worshippers were chanting and preparing for the ceremony that would conspire after; the ceremony that would transform Chen and all his followers into Anacondrai, the strongest of the five serpentine tribes. They were in for a big surprise, though, because that ceremony would never happen. Thanks to Skylar's and my plan.

After Lloyd's powers were stripped from his body, Chen made his way to the edge of the platform. Smirking, he held up his staff for all his followers to gaze at.

"All the power! Finally mine!" He announced for all the crowd below him to hear.

I caught Skylar's caramel eye; we nodded at each other, signaling to put the plan into action.

She walked up to Chen, "Let me stand beside you, father."

"Yes," Chen beckoned his daughter with open arms, then turned once more toward the crowd to address his followers, "All of you who bear the mark of the Anacondrai, tonight we will shed our skins for a new one! Not only will Master Chen be the the number one noodle house, but Ninjago's number one ruler!"

Clouse took a step  closer to Chen, spell book in hand, and started to chant. Now was the time for action.

"Hey Chen," I called out, grabbing the insane man's attention, "you forgot one element; the element of surprise!"

At the word 'surprise' Skylar jumped up and kicked Chen's staff out of his hands. Chen, being caught of guard, took a while to grasp what was happening around him, but as soon as his staff clattered to the ground he turned to Skylar. His eyes filled with fury.

"You dare betray me?!" Chen roared at his daughter.

"It runs in the family," Skylar retorted.

Quickly, I ran to grab the staff that lay on the hard stone floor. As soon as my hand wrapped around the staff I could feel tremendous power surge through my veins. I rolled over to face Lloyd and quickly shot a flurry of glowing blue bolts of lightning at the venge-stone cuffs chaining Lloyd. The lightning broke open the cuffs on impact.

Lloyd stood up rubbing his wrists which must've been sore from being chained so long and stared at me with wide eyes, "It was all an act?"

"Of course, did you really think that I'd betray you?" I smirked at the dumbstruck green ninja.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Clouse pull a lever, causing a stream of what looked like acid to pour of the fangs of the snake statue above our heads. Quickly, I shot a glowing green sphere of energy above us for protection.

After his attempt to harm us failed, Clouse turned to me, preparing to cast one of his spells. Though, before  he could do that I blasted ice at him, causing him to become a Clouse-Sickle. I smirked at the look of surprise frozen on his face.

I then noticed Eyezore, one of Chen's better  minions, rush toward me, only to fall into a trap door. I looked to see who had caused the trap door to open; Skylar smiled at me while standing with her hand on a lever. I smiled back.

Lloyd, finally recovered from the events that were transpiring around him, noticed the Staff of Elements still clutched in my hand. He rushed towards me with an urgency in his voice, "Hurry Kai, you must destroy the staff! It holds too much power!"

I looked down into Lloyd's pleading emerald-gold eyes, my grip tightened on the staff. Anger and envy boiled inside of me. This twerp was just trying to get all his power back, wasn't he?!Well to late for that! Now I have the power that's rightfully mine! 

All the thoughts and feelings I had deep down in my heart spilled out. I looked down at the staff clutched in my hand, "Chen was right, this thing's awesome!"

I turned away from Lloyd, letting the power pulse through my veins. I hit each and every one of Chen's minions down in a matter of seconds.

The feeling was wonderful. I felt unstoppable. This is the kind of power I would've had as the Green Ninja. This power would've been mine if it wasn't for Lloyd. I should've disposed of him long ago.

Wait, what was I thinking? I didn't hate Lloyd! Panicking, the realization of what was happening hit me, my voice shook, "What I'm I saying?"

I tried to think straight but something inside me was stronger, "Nothing I don't already feel!" I responded to myself.

Lloyd stared at me in horror as I heard my voice change, "What's happening? I– I can't control it!!"


Skylar rushed to Lloyd's side. Lloyd turned to the Master of Amber, informing her on what was happening, "There's too much power in the staff! It's corrupting him! We must destroy it!"

As hard as I tried, I couldn't stop what was happening to me, so I let it consume me. I let the power rush through me, I let my negative feelings out, all the deepest darkest feelings I've had bottled up for these past years. I turned to Lloyd, a new hatred towards him begun to ebb it's way into my heart.


I readied the staff with energy, I used my envy as fuel, this kid thought he could defeat me?! I had all the power now!

And. He. Had. Nothing.

I let the energy from the staff slam Lloyd and Skylar, who were both slammed against a pillar behind them. Just then, from above my head, there was an explosion. And the giant stone snake head came falling down.

This whole fanfiction is based on a "what if.." I had when watching the episode "The Forgotten Element." (Ns4, ep 7) Most of this is straightforward from the episode.

I hope you enjoy this one though! It's not focused on Jay this time! What a surprise! My last fanfic I'm writing (What Comes Next) I'm having writer's block for. Idk what to do next for that one so I'm sorta writing two fanfiction a at once now? Yeah. Idk how that'll work out..

Feedback and constructive criticism are very welcome!

Thanks for reading! 💕

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