Chapter 5

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Nya's POV

"I know I probably shouldn't have walked out on my friends like that, and I know I should've come up with more of a plan first before I started wandering the jungle, but it's too late for turning back now. Remember, Kai needs your help!" I gave myself a pep-talk as I rethought my life choices in the past hour.

Now, I was pretty sure I was lost. So I didn't even know which way to go, so if I were to turn back, I couldn't. Even if I've wandered through this jungle earlier on this island, it wasn't like I had memorized it. I didn't have a map, my DBX mobile base, or anything to help me either.

"You're so stupid, Nya." I told myself, "You're usually smarter than this!"

Maybe I should retrace my steps? If I turn around and keep walking I should be able to find a way out of this jungle. Eventually.

I turned around to walk back. Find a way out of the jungle. I started walking when I thought to myself what I was going to tell the others when I met up with them again. I imagined the smug looks on their faces as I admitted I was wrong and they were right. I frowned at that thought, and stopped walking.

I had to prove them wrong. I couldn't prove them right. (Even if in my mind I knew they were right.) My pride was to strong. So I turned around and continued my search for my brother.

I'll try reasoning with him first. If that doesn't work I'll then resort to violence. Hopefully, I can get through to him though. He is my brother after all. Maybe he'll listen to me. Plus, I don't really want to hurt him. I took a deep breath and exhaled, But I'll do what I must to save him.

As I got deeper into the jungle I started calling out. "Kai?! Kai!! Where are you?! It's Nya, your sister!! If you can hear me, please come out! I just want to talk!!! I'm unarmed!! Kai!!!! Kai!!!!!!"

The last part was a lie. Of course I had weapons on me. I wasn't that dumb to go looking for my brother if what Skylor and Lloyd said was true.

I heard rustling in the nearby bushes. I placed a hand behind me on the hilt of one of my swords. Ready for whatever was in the bushes.

"Nya?" Kai stepped out of the undergrowth.

I stayed dense despite seeing my brother. I looked around. No one else appeared to be with him. I looked down at Kai's hands. Empty. Where was the Staff of Elements?

"Where's the Staff?" I looked back up at Kai's face.

Kai frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"Skylor and Lloyd said you had the Staff of Elements. They said you were corrupted by it." I responded, my hand still holding the sword hilt.

Kai chuckled, "Why would they tell you such a ridiculous story? Do you see me with the Staff now? I don't have it."

My grip tightened  on the sword, "So, you're telling me they're lying? If they were, why weren't you with them when we were fighting? Why don't the others have their powers back? Where's the Staff now?"

Kai stepped closer to me, "Who knows. Maybe they are. Anyways, I wasn't with them because when that statue fell I was separated from them. Also, our powers may not be back because Chen might have the Staff still."

"What are you doing in the jungle then?" I asked suspiciously.

"Trying to find my why back to the temple." Kai responded.

I pulled the sword out of its sheath, "You're lying to me, Kai."

"Why would I lie to my sister?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

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