Chapter 2

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Skylar's POV

I watched from behind Lloyd as the power in  my father's staff corrupted Kai. His eyes, which were normally a dark green were now a deep fiery red.

Kai turned towards us, looking at Lloyd as if he were some unwanted  scum on the sole of his shoe, "NO ONE IS TAKING MY STAFF, YOU HAD ALL THE POWER NOW IT'S MY TURN! I SHOULD'VE BEEN THE GREEN NINJA!"

Letting lose a burst of energy, Lloyd and I were sent flying back into a pillar. Pain shot up my left arm.

Just then I heard a loud BANG, and the snake statue above us came crashing down. Luckily, Lloyd grabbed me and leaped out of the way. More pain shot up my arm.

"Thanks," I grunted.

Lloyd's eyes looked down at my arm, he winced. I looked down at it as well. It looked like it might be dislocated.

"That looks like it hurts," Lloyd put a hand on my arm.

"No duh," I gritted my teeth as he gently touched my arm, "It hurts like hell and touching it isn't helping, no offense."

"Sorry," Lloyd quickly picked his hand up from my arm, "I didn't mean to hurt you." He looked up, and his jaw dropped.

"What is it?"I asked.

Looking up I answered my own question, a jet flew in from the giant hole where the snake-head statue once stood.

The jet must've made the hole. I concluded.

Following the jet came none other than the rest of the elemental masters.

"How did they build that?!" I asked to no one in particular.

"I don't know." Lloyd responded, "Think you can walk?"

"Of course. My arm's the thing that hurts. Not my legs." I retorted.

"Good," Lloyd helped me to my feet, "because if everyone's escaped we can find Jay, Zane, and Cole. Maybe Nya's with them too, and Garmadon. Then we can regroup and try to help Kai."

It was getting harder to hear Lloyd because as soon as the elemental masters came through the hole, the whole chamber erupted in chaos. Chen's warriors ran here and there in failed attempts to attack the newcomers. Even without their powers the elemental masters were more skilled and better fighters.

Lloyd and I skirted around the edge of the battle field, avoiding as much fighting as possible. Soon we reached the opposite side of the chamber.

"You stay here. I'm going to go try and find the others." Lloyd told me.

"What? Do you think I can't fight? You think I can't take care of myself?" I frowned at the green ninja.

"No!" Lloyd protested, "We just don't know what's wrong with your arm. Looks like it might be dislocated but I'm not sure. What I do know, though, is that you shouldn't try fighting! You could hurt yourself worse. I very well know you are capable of taking care of yourself and no doubt you're a good fighter when you're in a state fit to fight."

"Ok. Fine. Hurry back though." I told him.

Lloyd nodded and then ran off into the fray of fighting. Watching from behind a pillar I scanned the area for any signs of my father, Clouse, or Kai. I was especially worried about Kai because I didn't see if he had gotten out of the way of the falling snake statue. I was also worried about what was happening with him and the staff.

Time flew by, my head buzzed with thoughts, and soon Lloyd returned with a tall titanium figure. Zane.

"I think her arm's dislocated. You're the best at healing and stuff out of the people I  know here. So, I'm hoping you'll know what's wrong." I heard Lloyd say as Zane and him drew closer.

Zane nodded at Lloyd, his icy blue eyes fixed on the green ninja, "I will help in what ever way I can."

"She's over here." Lloyd pointed to where I leaned against the pillar.

Zane came over and knelt down by me. He took my arm gently and examined it. Maybe asking an x-ray or scanning me to see what was wrong. While he did this I felt awkward. I mean, the last time I saw Zane was when my father captured him and brought him to this island to use as bait for the other ninja. Guilt bubbled up inside me. I had helped my father kidnap Zane. Zane knew all of this too. So, why was he willingly helping me?

I guess it's a ninja thing. Helping others no matter what.

"It appears that your arm is indeed dislocated. Lloyd was right. I can put it back in its place, but it may hurt." Zane concluded.

"Sure. Put it back in its place. I can handle a little pain." I responded.

"Ok then." Zane gripped my arm, "On the count of three."

I braced myself for the pain.


I bit my lip, so I wouldn't scream out as searing pain went up my arm. The pain faded a bit afterwards but my arm still hurt like hell.

"Thanks." I grunted.

"You are very welcome," Zane replied," Now be careful. I suggest taking it easy and do not use that arm a lot. Rest it."

I nodded in response.

"Uh, Zane?" Zane looked up at me with his icy calculating eyes, "I'm sorry about what I did to you in the past with that kidnapping stuff, ok?"

Zane gave me a friendly smile, "No worries. I forgive you. We all make mistakes in our lives. The good thing is that we realize those mistakes, so we can work to become better people."

I smiled a bit back at him.

"I should go find the others," Lloyd looked around at the fighting going on around us.

It looked like the battle was ending. The elemental masters had won. Chen, Clouse, and most of his followers were gone. The rest of Chen's remaining bench men were gathered into groups by the elemental masters and tied up, so they wouldn't cause anymore trouble.

"I don't see Kai anywhere." I stayed as I scanned the crowd. "Nor the staff of elements."

This can't be good. Where could Kai have gone? Could he've gone with my father to where ever he fled to?

Just then a voice from the crowd interrupted my thoughts, "Lloyd! Zane! You guys are ok!"

Nya ran towards the us, "I lost sight of you two in the battle! What happened? Oh! Skylar, you're here too. Did you happen to see where my brother went? You were the last person with him, and I don't see him anywhere else."

"Grab Jay and Cole, Nya. Then come back. After we've all regrouped, we'll head back to my room in the temple. Lloyd and I've got to tell you all something." I told the samurai.

As Nya ran off to find the others I was lost in my worried thoughts.
We must stop my father and destroy that staff. Before, he can use the spell, and before anything worse happens to Kai.

Another chapter done! What's going to happen next? Who knows really?

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