Chapter 7

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Cole's POV

By nightfall all of the elemental masters had regrouped at the temple. All reported no signs of Kai, Chen, and Clouse anywhere. At hearing this we were all on edge. The only good news for me was that Jay and Zane had found Nya before anything really bad had happened to her.

"So, you say she didn't find Kai at all?" I asked Zane as the two of us sat in my room resting.

Zane shook his head, "No. At least, that is what she claimed. Though, I have reason to believe she is lying."

This peaked my interest," Really? What makes you say that?"

"When Jay and I ran into her in the jungle she was all beat up and bruised. Her reasoning behind her injuries was that she had fallen down, but as examined her closer, her wounds suggested that she had been in a fight." Zane paced around the room as he thought.

"You think she ran into Kai?" I asked.

"Yes. That is what I believe. The ends of her hair were also singed. Where would she have ran into fire in the jungle if she had not run into Kai?" Zane responded.

"So if Nya did run into Kai, why would she lie to us? Do you think she's working alongside Kai?" I wondered.

"That I do not have the answer to. Until I find an answer to this we must keep a close eye on her. Keep your guard up, and stay vigilant. We should not tell anyone about our suspicions either until we know the truth." Zane stopped his pacing.

I nodded, "Alright."

After my conversation with Zane, I couldn't fall asleep. I was too much on edge. With Kai still as a looming threat along with the suspicions of Nya working for Kai there was so many things on my mind. I decided to get some fresh air.

I got up and walked out on the balcony that my room provided. I looked out at the dark indigo sky flecked with dozens of shimmering stars. It was a peaceful sight and helped to calm my mind. I slowly looked down at the ground and at the surrounding area. Movement caught my eye. Down below, a figure moved through the night heading towards the jungle. I decided to investigate.

I jumped from balcony to balcony down to the ground. Once my feet hit the gravel I looked around for the mysterious figure. Luckily, whoever it was was being cautious and wasn't moving very fast. They didn't appear to be in any sort of hurry either, and I soon caught up with them.

While in the jungle I stuck to the trees, as to stay out of sight and to try and catch a glimpse of the figure. I followed a few feet behind them as well. The figure walked deeper and deeper into the jungle. Stoping and looking behind them every so often. Soon the figure stopped at a small cavern and headed inside.

I hopped down from the tree I was in and hid in the undergrowth by the cavern. Light flickered from within, and voices could be heard.

"I've returned with news from the temple," came the voice of the mysterious figure.

It was Nya's voice.

My heart skipped a beat. Zane's suspicions had been right all along! Nya was working for Kai! I strained to hear the rest of the conversation.

"What do you have to report, spy?" came the voice of Kai.

"No one suspects a thing about me being a spy. That is, no one but Zane. I think he's suspicious of me. He hasn't acted on those suspicions though. He shouldn't be that big of a problem though if I keep up my act." Nya responded.

"Good.Then you may proceed with the plan." Kai said, "I have to admit, Clouse, that spell you cast on my sister is working out perfectly."

"Of course it is," Clouse responded. "All of my spells work perfectly."

"You may return to the temple now. Report back to us tomorrow night as well." Kai told Nya.

"I will." Nya responded.

A moment later she walked out of the cavern and followed the path through the jungle back to the temple. I watched her back disappear in to the undergrowth before I followed.

So Clouse and Chen must also be working for Kai, and Clouse has Nya under a spell so that she'll work for them as well! I have to warn Zane and the others!

I made my way back through the jungle. Some how we had to break the spell on Nya before Kai can carry out whatever plan he was talking about in the cavern. Now that I know where Kai's hiding we can figure out a plan to stop him.

Once I was back at the temple, I raced up the stairs towards where Zane was staying. I had to tell him the information I had uncovered!

"Hey, Cole? Where are you rushing off to so late at night?" Jay yawned from his doorway.

I skidded to a stop and turned around to greet the master of lightning, "Oh, did I wake you?"

Jay rubbed his eyes, "Yeah. You aren't exactly being quiet."

"Sorry. I just have to go talk to Zane about something."

"What's so urgent that you have to run around the temple in the dead of night?" Jay asked.

I contemplated telling Jay about Nya or not. He's my best friend and teammate. I should tell him. I'll have to end up telling him anyways if we're going to stop Kai.

"I'll tell you but we have to go inside your room. It's very secret vital information." I responded.

"Ok then." Jay gestured to follow him into his room.

I followed the auburn haired ninja into his room and sat on the edge of his bed. Jay flopped down and laid curled up on the bed.

"Ok. Spill the beans." He yawned again.

"Ok. I'll get to the point quick: you can't trust Nya, Jay. No matter what she says. Zane and I had our suspicions about her when you two came back from the jungle with her and what I found out tonight confirmed it." I said.

Jay frowned, "What? What are you talking about? Of course we can trust her. She's one of us!"

I shook my head, "No she isn't. She ran off into the jungle and I followed her. I followed her to a cavern where she talked to Kai and Clouse."

"But Nya said she didn't find Kai."

"She lied to you. Clouse put a spell on her which must be messing with her mind. Making her woke for Kai and him. You can't trust her. She's working against us. My advice is that we stay away from her." I told Jay.

"Is this some odd way of trying to steal Nya away from me again?" Jay glared at me.

"What?! That doesn't even make any sense!!! Don't you understand what I'm saying????" I said annoyed.

"Well who knows with you." Jay responded.

I groaned, "Your being ridiculous, Jay. You should go back to sleep. Dont believe me? Fine. Your in for a rude awakening though! You'll see I'm right!"

Jay rolled on his side facing away from me and grunted in response.

I rolled my eyes at him. That drama queen. I got up from the bed and head for the door. "Night, Jay."

I closed the door behind me and continued my way to Zane's room. Slower this time as not to disturb anyone else.

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Thanks so much for your support and for reading!💕

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