Chapter 10

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Jay's POV

I studied my reflection in one of the mirrors in my room running my finger across the small cut Nya had made on my neck. The cut still stung a bit. I was still a little shaken up about how quickly everything had escalated. One minute Nya and I were friendly chatting and the next she was holding a knife to my throat threatening to take my life. I didn't think Nya would do something like that.

It's because she isn't herself, I thought, Cole was right. Kai is mind controlling her with Clouse's magic. Even so, how could Kai do that to his own sister? Another thought struck me, making me want to hit myself, Cole had warned me about Nya a night ago and I didn't believe him. How could I have been so idiotic?? Then I told Nya all about that! If anything happens to Cole or Zane it'll be all my fault! Stupid Jay! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I slapped my face into the palms of my hands and groaned. Why did I have to screw up all the time? I lifted my head from my hands and started heading towards the door. Even if I'm a huge screw-up, I should still go meet up with Skylor and Lloyd. Inform them on what happened, so we can make a better plan.

I walked out of my room and down the hall and down a flight of stairs on my way to Lloyd's room. It was closer to mine than Skylor's so it couldn't hurt to check there first. It seemed the two of them were always in either of the two bedrooms trying to make a plan. Or one of them was out patrolling the premiss of the temple. Neither of them ever seemed to take any leisurely time for themselves.

When I arrived in front of the double doors of Lloyd's room I rapped my knuckle against the wooden frame, then waited for a response. Upon hearing none, I decided to check Skylor's room next. As I started back down the hall I heard two familiar voices from the lower level of the temple. I walked over to the railing and peered down. Walking into hall were Zane and Cole. They seemed to be arguing in hushed tones, but I couldn't make out what exactly they were saying. I quickly backed up from the railing so that I was out of their view.

Nya isn't with them, so that means she got away. That's bad. Cole and Zane wouldn't have just given up looking for her though, would they? I mean, they might've wanted to regroup and gather more allies before finding Nya. After all, she's probably back with Kai now. And now Kai knows that Cole knows where he is and that we all know Nya is being mind-controlled. Thoughts swam in my head. And suspicions came to join them, What if Cole and Zane did end up finding Nya and found Kai? What if Kai's mind-controlling them now!? I shook my head trying to expel the thought as I walked, No, Stupid Jay, that can't be true. Zane would have been smart enough not to get caught up in that. Right? But, then again, it's not like nindroids can't be mind-controlled or even reprogrammed...What will I do though if I'm suspicious of my friends? I can't afford to not trust them, not with Kai being a threat and having limited allies.

"Just stick to your original plan, Jay," I mumbled to myself, "You can add your suspicions to the information."

Soon I stood in front of Skylor's doors. I did a short tap on the door and then paused. Waiting for a response. A moment later the door opened, and I was greeted with a tired looking Skylor. Dark circles lined the under of Skylor's caramel colored eyes.

"Hey, Jay," she said, "What's up?"

"Hey, Skylor, can I come in? I want to talk to you about something. Man, you look tired. When was the last time you got a good nights rest?" I rambled.

Skylor held up her hand, "Woah,one thing at a time. Sure you can come in."

She opened the door wider so that I could walk in and then shut it behind me. She then went and sat on the edge of her bed, "So what do you want to talk about?"

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