Chapter 12

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Skylor's POV

Night had fallen on the island. Jay hadn't been seen since he talked to me about going with Cole. So I assumed the worse. Kai now had all of his friends turned to his side. Which means he'll be coming for Lloyd at any time now.

I paced in my room. I couldn't fall asleep, even though I was exhausted. Who knows when Kai would come back to the temple along with Clouse and my father? I formulated a plans in my mind, trying to be ready for any scenario that could happen. I decided the best thing to do was to get some fresh air. Clear my mind.

I opened the sliding door to the balcony of my room welcoming the fresh, cool night breeze. I walked over and rested my arms on the railing looking over to the balcony beside me. I sighed. This setting reminded me of when I had just met Kai and found out our rooms were adjacent to each other. It seems so long ago that I met him, when in reality, it couldn't possibly have been more than a couple of days. Or maybe just a week.

I turned back to gaze over the waterfront taking in the moonlight reflecting over the water. Disrupting the view below, I saw two people walking in the dark. Some kind of weapon seemed to be in their hands. I squinted my eyes to try and get a better look. My heart almost stopped when I had the realization. I'd spent too much time on this island to not recognize the silhouettes of a couple of Chen's minions.

"But how? We had them all locked up and we were guarding them." I thought aloud. "That could only mean one thing..."

I spun around and ran back into my room to my chest of weapons. I grabbed a handful of throwing stars and daggers, and two katanas. I strapped the katanas to my back and grabbed a handful of smoke pellets as well. Afterwards I put my ear against the door listening for footsteps. When I was confident there was no one around, I eased open the door and looked up and down the dark halls for any sign of life. The coast was clear.

With that I stealthily made my way up the hall and some stairs finally to Lloyd's room. I eased his door open and locking it closed behind me. I picked a spear off the wall and slid it between the door's handles barricading it for at least a little while. I made my way to the side of Lloyd's bed and not so quietly woke up the sleeping Green Ninja.

"Wha? What's happening?" Lloyd mumbled he looked up and his green-gold eyes widened with surprise, "AH! Skylor, what are you doing in my room?!"

I put a finger to my lips, "Quiet down."

"What's this all about?" Lloyd asked sliding out of his bed, "What's with all the weapons?"

"I'll tell you once you get dressed in something better than your pjs," Lloyd gave me a look, "Of course I'm going to turn away, silly."

I turned and faced the door watching it, expecting at any sudden moment someone would start banging on it.

"You can face me again," Lloyd said as I turned back around, "so mind telling me what's happening now?"

"I was out on my balcony and saw two of Chen's minions," I put my hand up as Lloyd opened his mouth, "Save the questions for after. I know we had them locked up and guarded, so the only way I could think of them escaping is if Kai,Clouse, and my father have come back to the Temple. This also means that Kai's now controlling all of your friends too."

"If that's true, that means Kai's going to be coming for me next." Lloyd muttered.

"Exactly," I said," He's not going to find you though. I have a plan." I walked over to a plant by Lloyd's bedside and kicked it over.

"Hey, what did you do that for?" Lloyd stated.

The plant tipped over, but not all the way. Instead it was left mid-fall on an angle. The wall beside the plant opened up revealing a secret passage way. "We're going to hide. In the passage ways, just so Kai doesn't find you before we can spring our plan."

"And our plan is?" Lloyd said walking towards the passage and me.

"I'll get to that later." I waved my hand like I was dispersing his question into the air.

I then slung one of the katanas off of my shoulder and held it out for Lloyd. "Take this too. Just so you have some kind of defense."

LLoyd took the katana and strapped it to his back, "Thanks."

Then together, we walked into the passageway. The wall slid shut behind us. I took a match out from my pocket struck it against the wall giving us a source of light.

"This is all my fault." Lloyd sighed as we walked down the passage.

"There's no need for self pity. Trust me, I feel at fault for this too." I responded.

"I know," Lloyd began, "but it's hard. All my friends are gone. What did I do to stop it? Nothing. I just sat here at the temple. I mean, I'm supposed to be the Green Ninja. I should be able to handle this. I've handled worse..."

"You've got a great deal of responsibility. That's tough for a kid like you to handle. Sometimes it's just too much. Plus, it's different this time. You aren't just fighting some villain. You're fighting one of your close friends. It's hard." I tried reassuring the blonde boy.

Lloyd's gaze transferred from the ground up to me, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"We will free Kai from the corruption of the Staff of Elements. No matter what it takes. And we will stop my father and Clouse from regathering the elemental powers once we destroy the Staff. As well as  from completing his whole 'turn his followers into an army of Anacondrai' plan." I said.

"Speaking of plans, do we actually have a real plan, or are we going to wing this? I'd feel more confident with an actual plan." Lloyd spoke up.

"Don't worry," I smiled, "I've got a plan."

"Then mind sharing it with me?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. Let's stop walking for now. Focus more on talking. We don't want to keep walking, get caught up in talking, and fall right into one of my father's insane traps." I said.

"Good idea." Lloyd stopped walking and leaned up against the wall. "Please elaborate."

I stopped next to Lloyd, "Ok. So the plan goes like this..."

I bet you're all glad I finally uploaded again :)
Sorry this chapter left off on a cliffhanger type of thing. This way you're interest will stay peaked ;).
A couple more chapters and I think this fanfiction will be over. I wonder what I'll write next...
Anyways, how'd you like this chapter? I love hearing your feedback and constructive criticism! Plus, some of the ideas/theories that you guys comment about what you think'll happen next helps me write more faster most of the time!

Thanks for your continued support! 

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