Chapter 14

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Lloyd's POV

It's all up to me now. I've got to make sure this works out all according to plan. Let's just hope Skylor plays her part right.

I went from room to room stealthily making my way into each to the find and rally up the elemental masters. We needed all of them if this plan was going to have any chance of success. So far so good. None of them seemed to have been captured by Chen's goons. That was good at least. I looked to my side and saw the reassuring face of my father.

I was lucky he hadn't been caught or anything yet either. As soon as Skylor and finished explaining her plan and went off to distract Kai, my first instinct was to find my father. I knew how Clouse and him still had an ongoing quarrel with each other. And if Chen and Kai were back, that meant Clouse was back too. What if he had come to deal with Garmadon before I could get to him?

"Do you know where else we should check?" I turned and asked my dad.

Garmadon shook his head, "I think we've recruited them all. We should head back to our meeting point. I've been hearing more and more footsteps. I think Kai's spending more time looking for you now anyways. We should act soon before he has time to make a plan and strike before we do."

I nodded, "Alright." We continued down the passageway.

The two of us stopped by a wooden plank on the wall that hung loosely. I pushed it back into place and the wall slid away revealing an entrance to a secret room. Inside the elemental masters were waiting. They turned to look when they heard the passageway be opened.

Griffen Turner let out a sigh, "Good, it's just you guys. I've been on edge ever since you told me what's happening. What if Chen finds us? Then we'll be sitting ducks without our powers!"

"They won't find us. Trust me, Skylor was sure this was a good hiding space." I responded.

The Master of speed looked a little more at ease, but on the other hand the Master of shadows looked agitated.

"Why do you think we can trust her? She's Chen's daughter. She's probably working for him right now." He said.

"I trust Skylor. She's my friend. This was her plan anyways. She's out putting it into action. If you want to complain and doubt her how about you go back to your room and sit there, waiting for Chen to find you. And once he does I hope you like working in a noodle factory!" I shot back at the stubborn elemental master.

"Speaking of friends, where's the rest of your colorful ninja gang?" Shadow asked.

"They're not coming. But that doesn't matter. This plan can still work if we all play out part." I responded, getting annoyed by Shadow.

"What do you mean they're not coming?" He retorted.

"I mean, Clouse is controlling them with his magic." I frowned at him.

"So you're telling me that we have to not only go up against one of your friends who's insane and has all our powers, Chen, Clouse, and all of his minion, but we also have to go up against the rest of your friends? We won't stand a chance!" Shadow complained.

"Are you doubting Karloff's ability to fight?" The master of metal stepped forward looking annoyed.

"Of course not," Shadow hastily replied, "I'm not saying any of us are incapable of putting up a good fight. All I'm saying is we're out-numbered ten to one. Even if we put up our best fight, we won't win."

"I can see your point," Nero spoke up, "but we must take action. I agree with Lloyd. We should go through with the plan and stop arguing amongst ourselves."

I smiled knowing how at least the majority of the elemental masters seemed to be on my side. 

"Since we've got that cleared up, how about you tell us more about the plan?" Griffen Turner stated.

"Alright," I nodded, "So, phase 1 is a go. You know about that already. Now, we need to go through phase 2. Phase 2 goes like this: I'm going to 'surrender' to Kai. I don't know what he plans to do with me after he gets a hold of me. Hopefully, we'll stop him before anything else goes haywire."

"Where do we all fit into this?" Shadow said.

I frowned at him, "I'm getting there. Like I was saying, once I do that. You all will be stealthily hidden and in ready positions to strike. Skylor will make a signal and after that you'll come down distract Chen, Clouse, and his minions and together destroy the Staff of Elements putting this whole mess to an end."

The elemental masters murmured their agreement. " I think we're all in." Nero said.  The elemental masters nodded.

"Great!" I smiled.

"So, you said that your friends are being controlled by Clouse somehow, right?" Camille said.

"Yeah. You're correct. What about it?" I asked.

"Well," she started, "if we take out Clouse, say knock him unconscious, do you think that'd break the spell on them? At least for a while? Then if they're back on our side we'll have an even better chance at stopping Kai."

I gasped, "You're right! That makes sense. Who's going to take on Clouse though?"

"I will," Garmadon offered.

I looked over at my dad, "Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Defiantly. I'd love for another chance to defeat him in combat."

"Ok, then, if you're sure about it." I shrugged. Then I turned back to the others and felt confidence surge though me. "Are you all ready to finally put an end to the madness of this Tournament?"

Getting excited huh? What do you guys think'll happen in the next chapter? I love hearing from you! Sorry this chapter is a bit short, but I try.

Thanks for reading!

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