Chapter 9

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Kai's POV

I paced around the cavern thinking aloud at myself. Nya sat on a boulder facing me, arms crossed, watching.

"With Cole and Zane now under my control that only leaves Jay, Skylor, and Lloyd to deal with. I'll save Lloyd for last. Jay will be easy to take down.I also have Cole and Zane to take care of him. Skylor might be bit of a challenge, but not that hard to deal with. Especially since I have all the power. Once I've dealt with all of them the elemental masters will be simple to deal with. Minor threats. Nothing important," I muttered under my breath.

"Are you sure you can completely trust Zane and Cole to do what you've told them to do?" Nya spoke up interrupting my thoughts.

I looked over to my sister, "Of course I can trust them. They're my frie—" I paused, "Clouse has them under the spell, so they'll listen to me and only me. Don't doubt me."

"Alright then," Nya shrugged, "I believe you. I just wouldn't want your plans to be ruined after all the preparations you've made."

"Neither do I." I shot back," Which is why I've been going after the rest of the ninja first before anything else."

Silence fell in the small dark cavern. In that moment, Clouse and Chen entered.

"What is it that you want now?" I asked impatiently. I was getting very fed up with being around the pair of them.

"What I want us to get back to my Temple! I'm sick and tired of having to hang around in this stinking cave!" Chen complained.

I sighed, "It shouldn't be much longer. My plan is moving along smoothly."

"Also, this plan of yours, you keep it from us. We follow you blindly. If you expect us to continue to be loyal to you, you should tell us everything!" Chen crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes. "You follow me because I have the power. If you ever want your precious Staff back, Chen, then you should shut your mouth." I snapped angrily and sighed again, "Although, I guess it wouldn't matter if I told you my plan. Even though I hate repeating myself and I've already explained this to Nya." I nodded to my sister who was still sitting on the boulder.

"So, Chen, you say you want to go back to your Temple?" I asked, "Well what good would that do if the ninja are still at large? They'd just stop us again, or try to at least. That's why, with Clouse's help, I've been slowly but surly turning the ninja to our side. Once they are out of the way we can take the Temple for ourselves once again."

"What about my daughter? Are we going to brainwash her as well?" Chen asked.

"Yes. Unless you can somehow convince her to rejoin our side." I responded.

"She will rejoin our side of course! No brainwashing needed. I'm her father after all! Skylor will have to listen to me," Chen said.

That's very doubtful. I thought to myself. "Anyways," I continued with my explanation of my plan,"With those key players out of the way the rest of the elemental masters will be easy to defeat. Especially, if we can free Chen's minions who are being held captured."

"You are forgetting about Garmadon," Clouse spoke up,"He'll be quite some trouble for us."

"Oh yes, what do you suggest we do then, Clouse?" I raised and eyebrow.

"Leave him to me. I'll take care of him," Clouse responded with malice in his voice.

"Alright. Once all that is done, we'll have regained control of the island. Then I can deal with Lloyd." I smirked.

Chen clasped his hands together," And then I'll get my Staff back!"


"Sounds like the plan is set and ready then," Clouse said.

I turned to Nya, "Go to the Temple. Use the passageways. Find Cole and Zane. Tell them the next step of the plan is in action."

Nya stood up from the boulder and nodded her heading making her short raven black hair fall in front of her face. "Yes, Kai." And with that the Samurai exited the dark cavern.

"Now, if you two don't have anything else to bother me with, would you mind leaving me be?" I turned my attention to Clouse and Chen.

"Of course," Clouse nodded and left the cavern. Chen followed shortly behind.

Once I was alone, I sat down on the gravelly ground. I stared at my reflection in the Staff of Elements crystal and slowly a smile spread across my face. My plan was running along perfectly. Soon enough I would have control over the island. Soon enough, Lloyd won't know what hit him.

This chapter is short and that annoys me because I really want to give you guys the long good content you want. But sometimes short chapters happen. I hopefully will be out with the next chapter not to long from now but I just started highschool this week (yikes!) so I won't have as much time to write. :(

I'm so happy to hear you guys are liking this so much! Feedback is always welcome and sometimes it helps me get into the writing mode on what'll happen next too!
Also, my first fanfiction I posted on here (Rebooted) just reached 6k reads! 🎉 I'm so happy and surprised so many people are reading my fanfictions! It makes me so happy. :)

Thank you all so much for your continued support!!

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