Chapter 16

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Skylor's POV

The sounds of metal chains clanking against each other echoed around the stone hallway along with many footsteps. The walls amplified the slapping of the feet against the cold stone making it sounds like millions of feet walked along the hall when in reality it was only a handful of people.

Chen and Clouse stood at the front of the group, taking the lead. Chen wanting to be the  leader of the group as always. Behind two guards walked with Lloyd in the middle. The lonesome blonde boy stood out amongst the others being clad in his bright green gi. The Green Ninja held his head high giving off an illusion of confidence when in reality he must've felt defeated. Staying towards the back was Kai, the Staff of Elements still in a firm grip in his hand. His red eyes held a glint of triumph that was reflected with the smirk upon his face as he gazed at Lloyd in chains. I walked alongside Kai wanting nothing more than for the whole ordeal to be over.

My heart beat against my chest in anticipation. So far everything was going as planned. Kai didn't suspect a thing. Lloyd appeared to have been beaten, and I had Kai's trust. I just wanted to put the rest of the plan into action. I wanted the Staff destroyed as soon as possible. Then everything could go back to the way it was. Kai would go back to the way he was before.

I shouldn't be so nervous because everything was running smoothly. However, that was exactly why I was nervous. I felt like anything could go wrong at any moment. I walked up a little further so that I was standing close enough to whisper into Lloyd's ear.

"Are all the elemental masters in position? Are they all ready? Do they all know what to do?" I whispered to the Green Ninja wanting to receive reassurance.

Lloyd nodded, "Yes. Everything is all set and ready." He murmured under his breath just loud enough so that I could hear.

I let out a sigh of relief and fell back in step with Kai having my anxiety lessen a bit. Soon the hallway opened up into the large cavern that was the underground temple where Chen held his ceremonies. Blazing torches lit the wall around the circular cavern which was a welcoming difference from the dimly lit hallway. Inside the underground temple, gathered around the large platform in the middle, was a bunch of Chen's followers and standing on the platform awaiting our arrival were the rest of Kai's friends. My eyes scanned the rest of the temple, but found no signs of the elemental masters.

Lloyd's expression changed slightly to a more crestfallen look as his gaze settled on his friends. Our group came to a halt on top of the stone platform. The two guards pushed Lloyd to his knees.

"Well, well, well," Kai stepped forward, facing Lloyd, "Now, doesn't this just give you a sense of déjà vu?"

"How about you quit the small talk and just get on with whatever it is that you're planning on doing to me?" Lloyd retorted.

"Now, let's not be hasty," Kai responded wagging his finger in the air, "I want to savor this moment for as long as I can."

He smiled, "How does it feel, Lloyd? I have all the power now and you have nothing. Not even you're friends. They've all turned on you too."

"Yeah," Lloyd spoke up, "against their will."

Kai kicked Lloyd, "Shut up! I didn't bring you here to have you spout out smartass retorts towards me! You're nothing! You're all alone! You have nobody! If you want me to kill you now, I'll gladly do it!"

Kai raised the Staff of Elements above his head, his eyes blazing red with hatred. The Staff's crystal glowed brightly with immense power ready to unleash it all and strike down Lloyd. I took that moment. The world seemed to freeze. I pushed off the ground and with all the force I had hurled myself towards Kai colliding with his chest off balancing him. His eyes widened with surprise and his grip on the Staff loosened. The blast of energy from the Staff rocketed skyward hitting the rock above causing debris to rain down on the crowd in the cavern. Together Kai and I fell off of the platform.

And with that all hell broke loose: Lloyd jumped up swinging his arms under his legs so that his shackled hands were no longer behind his back making it easier for him to fight. From the shadows the elemental masters burst out causing the crowd of Chen's followers to panic as they were barraged with attacks. Clouse opened his mouth to start chanting a spell when Sensei Garmadon came out and sent a punch hurtling straight into Clouse's jaw. The two then began to attack each other while the  mind-controlled Ninja went to attack Lloyd. For the time being Lloyd held his ground well even though it was four against one.

I laid in a heap on top of Kai who struggled under me pushing me off of him. His eyes shone with betrayal and anger.

"This was your plan all along?! To betray me?!" Kai yelled.

"Of course! I couldn't just stand around and let you become another power crazed lunatic like my father! I wouldn't let that happen to you!" I shouted back.

I spotted the Staff of Elements lying on the ground a few feet away in the midst of the fighting. I looked back at Kai, "And now I'm going to do what I should've done a long time ago!"

I got up and started running towards the Staff.

"No!" Kai screamed and leapt up following me.

He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back to the ground. The two of us wrestled  on the ground both easing our way towards the Staff. Kai then elbowed me in the jaw. Momentarily stunned I lost my grip on Kai and he wriggled away from me. He rolled on the ground and got up. He then went and picked the Staff back up breathing heavily.

Behind me I heard a thud and saw Lloyd drop to the ground with Cole pinning him there. We were losing. Everything was going downhill. I turned my focus back on Kai.

"Kai! Listen to me, please. Is this really what you want?" I gestured to Lloyd and his friends. "Do you really want to hurt Lloyd? Take away your friend's free will? Have them only be your friends when you're controlling them? You're supposed to be a ninja! You're supposed to help others. Especially your friends. Your brothers! You want power, but at what cost?" I pleaded one last time with the red ninja.

Kai looked at me. Then his gaze shifted to Lloyd and his friends. His eyes then went back to the Staff in his hands. Narrowing his eyes he made a choice. He lifted the Staff high above his head and let it come crashing back down. The crystal colliding with the stone. There was a bright flash of multicolored light as the power in the Staff was returned to its rightful owners. There was a rush of energy through me like adrenaline.

I looked around and saw Chen's followers surrendering as the elemental masters advanced on them brandishing their powers. The spell on the ninja seemed to have been broken. Jay helped Lloyd up from the ground. They were all apologizing. Lloyd just smiled. Happy to be on the same side with his friends again.

Exciting chapter right? I hope so. The ending on this chapter was a little like "really? That's how your ending it?" But hold on! There's one more chapter that's coming out! That's why this chapter doesn't come to a complete close :)
Stay tuned for the next update! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks for reading!

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