Chapter 6

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Lloyd's POV

A small group of the elemental masters and I stayed at the temple along with my father while the rest of the ninja, Nya, and elemental masters were out searching the island for Kai.

I sat on the steps of Chen's temple in anticipation. I wanted to be doing something. I didn't want to sit around while who knows what happened to Kai and the others who were looking for him. I wanted to be out there looking for Kai too. Even if that put myself in danger. It would be better than letting my friends get hurt while I didn't do anything but sit here at the temple.

I looked up from staring at the temple's steps and around at what was happening. Nearby, Nero, Griffen Turner, and Karlof were a few of the elemental masters that had stayed behind and were chatting with each other as they guarded the group of Chen's followers we were holding captive. I also noticed my father walking towards me.

"What's troubling you, Lloyd? You've got quite the depressed expression on your face." Garmadon said as he said down next to me.

"I wish I could be out there looking for Kai with the others. I can't help but feel like this is somehow my fault." I sighed as I voiced my concerns.

"Why would this be your fault?" Garmadon asked.

"Well, when Kai was being corrupted by the Staff of Elements he yelled at me about having all my power when he should've been the Green Ninja. So it just sorta makes me feel responsible because if I wasn't the Green Ninja this wouldn't be happening." I looked down at my feet.

My father put a hand on my shoulder," That's ridiculous. You can't help being the Green Ninja. It was your destiny. If Kai was, or is, jealous of you, you can't help it, and if his jealousy lead to these events that are transpiring now, you can't help that either. If he wants jealousy to cloud his vision, that is his own decision. It may not be a good decision, but sometimes in life, we don't always make the best decisions."

"Thanks, Dad." I responded,"That helped a little. Although, I still want to be out there helping my friends. Who knows what's happening out there?"

~Meanwhile in the Jungle~
Jay's POV

My legs were sore from walking. I don't know how long we've been walking, but it felt like forever, and we hadn't found Kai or Nya yet.

"Tell me again, Zane, why we couldn't have taken one of those buggies and drove around this stupid jungle? Wouldn't that be more efficient?" I asked the titanium nindroid who was my partner in this search.

"Although the buggy would allow us to cover more ground, we would be making much more noise. The stealthier we are, the faster we will find Kai. If Kai is corrupted it would mean he is no longer our ally. Which makes him our enemy. Our enemies do not want us to find them. So, if they heard us coming from far away, they would hide which would make our search much longer and much more difficult. This talking is also counterproductive to our search, so how about we travel in silence for now on? We are Ninja after all." Zane responded.

I frowned at his last comment. "Yeah, yeah. Silent. Not really my thing, but fine."

From then on we traveled in silence. For the most part. It was really more like whispers then complete silence. Zane would scan the surrounding areas every so often for any signs of Kai or Nya, or even Chen and Clouse who were still running loose.

After a couple of hours, the sky began to turn shades of orange and pink. I began to lose any hope of finding anyone when suddenly I heard footsteps.

"Quickly! In the trees! Hide!" Zane instructed.

Zane and I hopped up into the branches of a nearby tree staring in the directions of the sounds of rustling. I held my nunchucks ready in my hands, and I could see Zane's shurikins were readied in his hands as well.

From the undergrowth, Nya approached. "Anyone there? I know I heard voices. Don't think I didn't hear you!"

I sighed with relief and hopped down from the tree followed shortly after by Zane. Nya jumped back startled.

"Nya! So glad we finally found you. Hey, I'm sorry about not coming to look for Kai with you right away. Zane and I are now though, and so is Skylor, Cole, and even most of the elemental masters!" I smiled at her.

"Oh really? Nice. What about Lloyd?" Nya asked.

"He's staying at the temple for now." I responded.

"Got it."

"So," Zane asked, "What happened to you? You have bruises all over your body."

Nya looked down at her scratched up arms and dirty armor, "Oh, you know, I tripped."

Zane raised an eyebrow, "You tripped?"

"I tripped and fell down a small hill through some undergrowth and thorns and bramble stuff." Nya explained.

"I see."

"Did you find Kai? Or Chen? Or Clouse?" I asked Nya.

"What? No. We should go back to the temple though and rest up a bit before we look for him some more. It's late." Nya said and started walking again.

"Oh. Ok." I started to follow her.

Zane followed behind us more reluctantly. He frowned at Nya.

"Hey, what's wrong, Zane? You seem bothered by something?" I said as I fell in step with him.

"I sense that Nya is not telling the truth." Zane told me.

"What? Why would she lie?" I asked.

"I do not know her reasoning yet, but I do not trust her story. Something seems... off."

I frowned at Zane and looked back at Nya. Could Zane be right? Could something be off with Nya?

Sorry I haven't been updating as much guys. I've had a bit of writer's block and was busy with family stuff.
Anyways. How are you enjoying this? I love your feedback and constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading!!

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