Chapter 4

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Kai's POV

My body hurt all over as I stumbled through the jungle using the Staff of Elements as a crutch.

Stupid elemental masters. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be in all this pain! I'd also have finished off that pathetic Lloyd. They'll all pay.

Soon I arrived at small cavern hidden by some vines. I burned the vines from my path and continued into the cavern to rest. Rest. Something I haven't had time to do in a while. I slumped against a rock and set the Staff down next to me.

As soon as I let go of the Staff I felt different. I felt guilt pile up inside of me. Why had I hurt Lloyd? And Skylor too! What happened to them now??

I'm horrible. No your not. Yes I am. He deserved it. Lloyd's done nothing to harm me! He took your rightful place as the Green Ninja! He's stolen away what could've been yours! The power in the Staff is very enjoyable to have. Exactly! That kind of power is what you were stripped of when Lloyd became the Green Ninja. Yeah. You should've left him to burn in that volcano those years ago.

I clutched my head and moaned. Was it a migraine? Or just a really bad headache? My head spun either way and it was hard to think straight. It was hard to think...good. I let go of my head and my arms fell to my sides.

My hand brushed against the Staff. As soon as I touched it my headache cleared up. I felt better. I could think straight again. My guilty feelings vanished. It was if a weight was lifted. I sighed in relief.

Just then I heard rustling in the grass a little ways away from the cavern I was hiding in. I heard voices growing steadily louder.

"Clouse! How dare you let that Ninja run off with my Staff like that! You know how important it is!"

"Yes, master. Sorry, master."

I was Chen and Clouse. They were looking for me. They want my Staff. My grip tightened. They won't be getting it from me that easily though. I slammed the bottom of the Staff on the ground.

From where Chen and Clouse was I could hear yelps and the sounds of struggling. I smirked and headed toward the sounds of them. I entered a small clearing. In the middle of it Chen and Clouse stood, wrapped up head-to-toe in vines. Vines covered Clouse's mouth so he couldn't speak and spells to stop me.

Chen was struggling in his vine restraints. He froze when he saw me, "You! You Ninja pest! Give my Staff back to me and free me!"

"Your Staff? Hah. This is my Staff now, and in your current state, you don't seem to be able to do anything about that." I sneered at Chen.

"You don't understand!" Chen pleaded, "I need that Staff!"

"Yes yes," I rolled my eyes, "because you want to transform yourself and your army into Anacondrai so you can rule Ninjago. Are you that stupid to think that'd actually work? You'd be stopped by the ninja! You're nothing compared to the other villains that have threatened Ninjago. Trust me, I know. I helped defeat all those villains. You're no different. I wouldn't even count you as a serious threat!"

I turned and pointed to Clouse, "That one, on the other hand, is much more of a threat."

"Wha—how dare you petty Ninja insult me like this!!" Chen spluttered.

"You know, your plan might work. If you had the ninja and the rest of those elemental masters out of your way though." I told Chen, which peaked his interest again. "How about we strike a deal?"

"What kind of deal?" Chen eyed me suspiciously.

"I keep the Staff for now, get rid of the ninja for you. I've got a score to settle with them anyways, and then once they're out of the way you'll be free to carry out your whole Anacondrai-take-over-Ninjago plan. We'll work together." I smiled deviously at Chen, "What about it? Do we have a deal?"  

Chen thought for a moment. Clouse tried to protest against the deal and warn Chen not to accept but his attempts were muffled by the vines around his mouth.

"I accept your deal, Kai!" Chen concluded.

"Great. But be warned, if you try anything against me, you won't like the consequences. That goes for your number two as well! Keep him in line. Promise me." I said while eyeing Clouse.

Chen nodded, "I promise!" He turned to Clouse, "You hear this? Don't you screw up my world domination plans, Clouse!"

Clouse rolled his eyes and said something that sounded like a yes.

"Ok then." I slammed the Staff on the ground again and the vines around Chen and Clouse slackened and the two men fell to the ground.

Chen will follow my every command. I know it. He's too desperate to go through with his own plan to try disobeying me. Though, he might try taking the Staff for himself so I'll have to be vigilant about that.
Clouse, on the other hand, I need to keep an eye on. He doesn't trust me. I don't exactly trust him either. Unfortunate. Clouse would be a very formidable ally. I'll work with what I have though.

"Let's go boys. We need to get moving before we end up getting caught. I assume my 'friends' are looking for me." I spat.

As we moved out I couldn't help but smile to myself. Watch out Lloyd. I'm coming for you.

Exciting! Well I hope your excited. Or intrigued at least.

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