Chapter 8

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Zane's POV

The previous night Cole had told me what he had uncovered. About how Nya was truly a spy for her brother, Chen, and Clouse. I was unsure what to do next with this information. The reasonable thing to do would be to tell Skylor, Jay, Lloyd, Garmadon, and the rest of the elemental masters, but according to Cole he had already tried to tell Jay about Nya. He had not listened. Which lead me to my unsureness to tell the others. What if Nya some how found out? What would happen then?

I found myself thinking about all these things as I paced around my room. Cole sat on my bed as we tried to figure out what to do next.

"No matter what we decide to do," Cole began, interrupting my thought process, "I think we should tell Skylor and Lloyd. I'm pretty sure they'll be more open to this than Jay was. Once we've convinced them maybe Jay'll come around. He might've just been tired when I talked to him last night. After all, it was pretty early in the morning."

I nodded, "Sounds like the beginnings of a plan indeed."

The two of us then got up and headed out of my room looking for Skylor and Lloyd. We found them hunched over a map of the island in Lloyd's room.

"We've searched here and here," Skylor was saying, "so we should search here next. What do you think?"

She was circling and crossing out different locations on the map. Lloyd examined it and nodded.

"Can't hurt looking there." He responded.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but we've got some news." Cole said as we entered the room.

"It better be good news." Skylor said and I noticed dark circles under her and Lloyd's eyes. Lloyd yawned.

"You two look exhausted. Have you been getting enough sleep?" I asked.

"I've tried, but ever since Kai's gone missing I can't stop thinking and worrying about him." Skylor responded and Lloyd nodded in agreement.

Cole made sure the door was closed right and then headed over to sit at the table with Skylor and Lloyd. I followed after him.

"Well," Cole began in a hushed voice, "last night I found out where Kai is. Along with Chen and Clouse."

Lloyd and Skylor's eyes widened. "Really?" They both said in unison.

Cole nodded, "But that's not all I uncovered."

"What else did you find out?" Lloyd said.

"I found out that Nya is being mind controlled by one of Clouse's spells and is not acting and a spy for Kai. When she ran off that day ago she must've run into her brother." Cole continued, "I tried telling Jay, but he wouldn't listen to me."

"So my father and Clouse are working for Kai?" Skylor asked.

"It appears so." I responded, "Kai must've made some sort deal or blackmailed them."

"I bet they're only working for him because Kai has the Staff of Elements. If my father has the chance to steal it from him he will, and once he does it won't matter what deal he made with Kai. He'll turn against him. We've got to stop and help Kai before something like that happens." Skylor said.

"I agree," Cole nodded.

"I as well." I said.

"We've got to convince Jay somehow, and break the spell on Nya. If we're going to try and go against Kai, we're going to need all the help we can get." Lloyd stated.

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