When Mistakes are Made

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    Jin took Cory to a restaurant for lunch on him. He claimed it would be good to bond a bit since he was his body guard.

    Cory accepted but kept a wary eye on him. They got a table outside with an umbrella to block the sun's heat.

    The general got a hamburger along with some fries while Cory ordered some soup with a fruit smoothie.

    "So," Jin started putting down his burger, "how do you feel?"

    Cory shrugged. "Fine I guess." He took a bit of soup.

    "Besides the memory loss?"

    "Yep." Cory said popping the "p".

    Jin crossed his arms. "It must stink. Not remembering anything. Got any memories back or still blank?"

    Cory sighed. "Nothing." He stirred is drink with the straw and looked out at the pedestrians. "For some reason it's shocking there's people here." He said quietly.

    Jin perked up. "What?"


    "You said something." Jin responded.

    "Oh. I just spaced out." Cory said as he finished his meal.

    "Still what did you say?" He asked as gulped down his water and ate the last bite of his burger.

   Cory crossed his arms. "I don't know." He took interest in the ground.

    After they ate they went to the park. Jin claimed that before he got amnesia he apparently liked the park. He can see why. It was beautiful.

Wandering from Jin's side he roamed the park taking in the nature. It was breathtaking. He sat by a lake with a few lily pads. He got a strange feeling. Like he's been here before. Maybe...were they telling the truth.

Cory turned his head towards the water. The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees as he felt it was looming over him. Something made him want to get up and obliged.

He was about to dip his fingers in the lake when a hand went on his shoulder. He jerked in surprise and in a panic looked at who touched him. It was only Jin. "Hey! Thought I lost ya there. Man you look spooked."

After calming his breath he did a half glare. "I think you scared some color off of me." Beneath that remark, he was entranced with that. He couldn't even hear Jin approach. It felt like just touching the water was vital in something and his body tried to make him do it. Strange.

    Cory sighed, this will bug him for the night. Jin grabbed his arm almost forcing them out of the park.

    They were now strolling through the streets. It must look weird, a camo guy with someone with a camera for a face.

    Jin started talking about a topic Cory really wasn't interested in. Instead he started to space out. Suddenly he stopped cold and he was pretty sure he went a bit pale. Jin turned sharply, immediately on guard. "What's wrong."

    Cory's throat tightened up. A chill went up his spine as he felt someone watching him. He turned and became face to face to Nick.

    The salesman took notice of the two and laughed slightly. "Well Jin's doing his job well. A bit jumpy huh Cory?"

Cory let out his breath, his heart was beating a million miles an hour. Jin went out of his defensive stance. "He has been a bit out of it." Them he slightly tilted his head. "Not a big talker."

Nick had a face of worry. "You sure you're okay?"

Ignoring his fast heartbeat he silently glared at them. He pushed past Jin and said to them, "I'm going home. I don't need people breathing down my back."

Nick looked at Jin. "Sheesh. What'd you do to make him lose his patience?" Jin just shrugged. He's face turned serious. "Don't watch him this night."

Jin was confused. "Why?"

"He will suspect something. We have to make sure he does have some freedom. Try to stay on his good side." Jin was about to say something but Nick continued. "He will trust you more when you respect that and develop a good relationship. When he trusts you he will tell you more information that could be important. We must keep his suspicions down and almost nonexistent. We don't know what he's capable of, and if he finds his friends that would catastrophic. He's perceptive."

The general sighed. "Fine. I'll be back tomorrow and try to earn some more trust."

Nick nodded and continued on his way.

That was a huge mistake.


Word Count: 740

I was writing this at 12:45 in the morning and I was really tired. So vote comment and follow! I'll see you in the universe! CYA! <3

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