Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 

When I woke up, I was laying on the couch in my living room. I searched the room for Kendall. He was at the kitchen table. I got up and went to him. He looked up at me.

“Are you okay? What happened to you?” His face was pale and filled with worry.

“I never really flew with a passenger before. I guess it was too much for me.”

“I feel like this is my fault. I’m twice the weight of you. I shouldn’t have let you carry me.” He was blaming himself for this? This wasn’t his fault. He had a guilt-stricken look on his face.

“This isn’t your fault. I chose to carry you. I didn’t ask you for permission. I just did it.” By the look on his face, I could tell I wasn’t helping.

“I’m better now.” I said and took his hand. “Let’s watch TV.”

“I don’t usually watch TV.” A smile spread across his face of the idea of watching TV with me.

“How do you feel about Gossip Girl?” I asked him as I flipped on the television.

“I’m open to new things.” We sat on the couch while Gossip Girl played. But as it was playing, I couldn’t keep my mind on the show. Who tried to kill us? Why did they want us dead so badly? And the most important question. 

What was coming next?

Cynthia Donaldson was in a restaurant, nibbling on a piece of bread. She was waiting for someone she never thought she would talk to, let alone have a discussion about her daughter with. As she was there pondering this thought, the person she was waiting for sauntered in. It was Vincent Bloomingdale. He made anyone around him uncomfortable. Just one look from him made you shiver. And his voice was just as terrifying. He walked up to Cynthia with the same shiver-worthy grin.

“So what’s the plan?” He asked her referring to Vivian’s and Kendall’s destructive relationship.

“I don’t think we should do anything anymore. I saw another vision of them today. Someone tried to blow them up with a missile. Vivian got them both out in time.” She explained her vision to him, her voice full of concern.

“This is why we have another reason to break them up.” He snapped. Why was she backing out? He thought. This is very dangerous.

“There is no point anymore. They’re coming for us anyway. They won’t care if they break up. They’ll kill them so they won’t be a threat. We should let them enjoy each other while they can.” Her speech was more than true, which is all the reason Vincent argued. He wanted to be right.

"Maybe if we they breakup, they'll reconsider." Vincent protested.

"They won't reconsider. They can't risk something like this happening." Cynthia held her ground and finally Vincent gave in.

"Alright, I see your point. But let's tell them. They deserve the truth."

To this Cynthia agreed. She grabbed her coat. "I'll drive." She said as she laid money on the table. They got up and went to the Donaldson house.

After Gossip Girl, we grabbed some chocolate chip cookies and milk. As we sat down to eat, my mom bounded through the door with Vincent was right behind her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked. Vincent answered for her.

"You two might have killed us all."

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