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Craziest one first! It was called "Kamikaze" (lol, even the name sounds totally safe) and you sit in a seat and you have shoulder bars, then there's metal caging on either side of you. You're in a big cart of those seats and attached to a big post by a post and there's another cart on the other side.

Then the rides swings back and forth, getting higher each time. Then you are completely upside-down (say goodbye to anything in your pocket!) and you go flip all the way around! Then you do it again, but backwards.

Totally safe, they set it up in like a day, and nobody has ever gotten hurt on it or anything. (Just kidding! It's not safe, they set up so quick that's just not right, and I'm pretty sure people have gotten hurt!)

One of my favorite rides! THE TWISTER!! There are two rows of seats that have shoulder bars (pshhh, who needs those?!) that are on a platform and the platform swings side to side like the Kamikaze (but the Kamikaze makes you sit sideways and the Twister, you sit looking out like if you were standing in front of the ride). The Twister would go back and forth SWOOSH SWOOSH and a couple times it would swing all the way over so there's more of a SWOOSH! Way less intense, but it was fun!

THE GRAV-I-TRON: Again, this ride is totally unsafe, you're in this giant UFO thing and its dark. Then you just stand with your back to a wall. Then the ride spins around. Gravity SUCKS you to the wall and you can't move, nothing to hold on to, then the walls (which are king of split into sections) MOVE upwards!! It was really fun!

ANOTHER RIDE I WANT TO MENTION- It's called "The Roundup" or something like that. It's a little like the Grav-i-tron, you stand against a wall, with nothing but metal handlebars and a loose chain in front of you, then the ride spins you around, but it tilts so if it weren't spinning, you would be laying down. Then the guy in front of me was screaming like a girl while my friend (next to me) was trying not to puke and I was just standing there singing "LA LA LA LA" like an idiot. I also almost peed my pants on that ride because I had to go really bad and I had been holding it for the last five rides or something.

The Carousel- I sat on a giant reindeer, couldn't get the strap around me, so I just held on to the thing, hoping the guy operating the ride wouldn't yell at me.

I went on pretty much all the other rides (I couldn't go on some of the kiddy things because I'm "too old" or whatever)

And I also ate a candy apple which I refused to give up so I could go on a ride. (I just ate the rest of it really quick and threw it away)

I would've gone on the Ferris Wheel, but you had to have someone 18 or older with you because somebody jumped off and killed themself a year ago or something stupid.

I also almost puked on the swings and almost fell off of the Sea Dragon (you know the boat thing that swings back and forth) but I thought the fair was fun!

I also entered some stuff in the fair, and my quilt got first place, my s'more cupcakes got first place, and my raspberry jam got best of the show!! (BOOYAH!)

Then I have to go back on Saturday to auction my quilt.

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