Chapter 13 Missed

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At the other end of the apartment, I spotted a plump lady in jeans and a black T-shirt wolfing down vegetarian noodles. Bea! I sneaked up behind her and covered her eyes with my hands.

"Sandy Ko," Bea grinned, "I was wondering if you would ever peel your eyes off Tommy and come and say hi. How are you and Logan? The last time we met was at Anita's baby's one month celebration. I've missed you."

Bea had been in all our karate classes. Even though, she was at least a decade older than us, she was our closest friend. When she hit her late twenties as expected she fell for Logan and dated him. Unexpectedly, she lasted a lot longer than the normal two weeks. They were together for almost a year. Then, mum stepped in and the relationship fizzled out quickly. Eventually, she married Jo. In that same month, Logan quit his Computer Science degree at University and became a guitarist with Schism. Within six months, Schism hit it big on Youtube and Spotify, and Logan happily expanded his range of women and he hasn't stop since.

"Missed you too. We need to meet up and talk bad, Bea. I need your help with Logan. I've just discovered some devastating information." I said urgently.

"You mean more shocking than the fact that you are dating Tommy and that TUF is in trouble with G and G? All the female business executives at the round table think you've gone soft. Hon, this sudden courage to go against the grain is new for you... you must really like him huh?" asked Bea pointedly. She was the CEO of Crestview Mall and a Tiny Tubs toyshop, I wasn't surprise she knew.

"Much worse. Can we meet you and Jo soon?" I asked quickly. If Bea felt we were in trouble, I knew she would clear her calendar for us.

"Jo's webtoon launch is in three days and if the kids have recovered from chickenpox next week.... Let's meet at Logan's after that. My house looks like a typhoon has struck. I'll text you."

"How do you know Tommy?" I asked. Growing up Bea was my hero, as efficient and accomplished as mother but she was centred, sensitive and kind.

"Do I approve of him, you mean? For crying out loud, Sandy...don't go taking a poll amongst your friends on what we think of him, like you did with Christopher!" exclaimed Bea. I shot her a look. She stopped short, looked sheepish and continued, "Okay, fine... I don't know him well but Jan is our consultant for a new line of eco-friendly toys. From what I do know, I think you two make an awesome couple."

"Sandy, Sandy", interrupted See Yew. He had been lurking nearby for a while; Bea turned her back on us and reached for the potato salad. "I want to apologise for the other day, I don't normally behave like that. I'm surprised, you two...Tommy told me." he said eyebrows raised and pointing to the other end of the room. Tommy was demonstrating how to produce more than rude raspberries with a leaf flute to a small crowd.

"I was half-surprised myself, See Yew," I said soothingly. "I'm glad we've met again."

"I suppose, Tommy showed you the photographs we dug up to prove TUF is innocent, and that's why you agreed to be with him right? I regret I should have done that first. Missed my chance. You women, you can charm things out of us poor men." said See Yew half to himself.

"Yeah, woman power," I said with my fingers crossed, "Weren't those shots amazing?" I had no idea what he was talking about but I was hoping he would elaborate.

"They were. When we saw the photographs, it was so obvious that the chemicals came from the old rundown factory by the river that had been closed down four years ago. TUF is clean," said See Yew.

"Imagine all that stress over nothing," I smiled at See Yew, "I assume you are in the process of sending us a letter to say the case is dropped."

See Yew's eyebrows formed a straight line. "No, didn't Tommy tell you? He managed to convince the company not to drop the case because we can win on a legal technicality. We are going to make TUF a scapegoat, in order to lift industry standards; weren't both of you in it together?" 

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