Chapter 27 Back in hospital

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I sighed, feeling half elated, half exasperated as I locked eyes with Tommy, who was standing opposite my hospital bed, arms folded across his business suit and bloodshot eyes blazing.

"It was an accident, Tommy."

"You were hit by a car."

If anyone who wasn't familiar with Tommy was in earshot, they would have detected nothing but casual concern for my wellbeing. But I knew better; he was stewing in this.

"I think I know what you're implying, and I highly doubt this was an organized attempt on my life. Or if it was, it was certainly a very botched one. The police said that the car wasn't going above the speed limit. Probably, the driver was careless or a learner of my ilk. It was a simple hit and run that could have happened to anyone," I said firmly.

Tommy started to respond, but was interrupted as Logan came bursting through the door in a flurry of frazzled energy.

Logan barked at Tommy, "Move it."

He perched on the side of my bed tenderly, reaching for my hands. "Are you alright? Dad said you were hit by a car!"

"I'm fine, really. It's a broken leg. The plaster cast looks terrible, but it'll heal quickly enough."

Logan clutched at his heart dramatically. "Well, that's a relief; I thought you were in here on your deathbed or something."

He turned to Tommy "So, when are we hunting down the ass-hole who hit her?"

"Logan!" I exclaimed as usual he ignored me

"I know places to hide See Yew's body, Tom."

"For once, I actually agree with Logan," Tommy responded slowly.

Logan cheered, giving Tommy a high-five, "Yes, bros for life." Rubbing his hands together, he turned back to me, eyes sparkling mischievously. "Excellent, we can make it look like the perfect accident."

I scratched the scar on my cheek.

In a sudden flash of insight, I realised how much loved the pair of them-- not in the same way, but with the same intensity. But both of them working together on some sort of revenge plot was not in anyone's best interest. Still the thought warmed my heart. Sigh, love one and in love with the other.

"No!" my voice boomed and reverberated around Room 27, "Listen, you two; we have no proof at all it was him. Both of you are, being melodramatic. It. Was. An accident! Guys, you need to let this go."

Logan sighed, "Fine. But only if he swears, he will drop it first."

"If that's what you really want," said Tommy quietly still mulling.

"Thank you", I whispered, settling back a little more comfortably into the hospital bed.

"Sandy?" One of the nurses knocked on the door gently, "It's time for you to get some rest. Your visitors can come back later."

Logan squeezed my hand and then stood up. Tommy cleared his throat, staring at Logan pointedly. He clearly wanted a moment alone with me, but Logan raised his eyebrows and stared at him defiantly.

"You heard the nurse, let's go."

Tommy sighed, "I'll come back after work; I'm back at G and G, by the way. Get some rest."

Logan grabbed Tommy's hand and dragged him towards the door, winking at me on the way out. "Come on, Tommy. I know stuff about my stepsister, that she doesn't even know about herself. Buy me lunch and I'll spill everything. The Beef Bulgogi in this hospital canteen is amazingly tender and yum. Bro, have you been eating properly? You look awful..."

The door closed and peace descended. Everything was going to be okay. It had to be love.

At dinner, Jo dropped by with chicken essence from Bea. She was in Shanghai for work and the kids were at his mum's. Jo and I bounced ideas for the new webtoon series he was working on; we used to do this all the time before the kids were born. In the stillness of the hospital, we spent a productive two hours just happily discussing themes, characters and subplots.

"Ah, I could do this for days," I sighed, pleased.

"So, why don't you, Sandy?" Jo asked packing up his storyboard. "You can teach Literature, or write stories, or edit and you would be great. What are you doing with furniture?"

"I guess for a long time I was channeling mum's ghost but now I'm just afraid dad can't cope if he has to handle TUF on his own."

"So, why don't you hire a managing director? Recently, many family business are going that way. Your dad can set the direction for the company which the manager has to execute. You can fire him if he doesn't perform and he would bear most of the administrative burden and business travel. Unlike Bea who loves being a CEO and she is genuinely fascinated by toys, I don't see that in you, Sandy. Everyone knows you are a highly skilled CEO, but is management or furniture really your thing? Go take a look at yourself in the mirror now; your eyes are shining. Your first love has always been and will always be stories in whatever medium. Do yourself a favour. Commit to what you know to be valuable." Jo said as he headed out the door.

"I guess, I could train as a Literature teacher and write books during the holidays." I said growing excited.

"You do that and for goodness sake, marry that guy already. What's his name with the sisters? He's been calling Bea every night for weeks like some lovesick puppy." Jo said closing the door after him.

"Thank you," I whispered to my friends in high places. 

The sparkle had reached my heart and I was starting to glow.


This chapter is dedicated to all my friends who are aspiring writers: Anna, Rose, Mark D and Joseph W. Thank you for all the chats about writing that we have had together :) Special thanks to whose amazing dialogues have inspired this chapter.

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