Chapter 5 Falling Slowly

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The next morning, a warm breath was blowing on the top of my head--his. I sat up slowly and peeled his long fingers off mine. At 5am, my head was pounding, I needed coffee. I quickly washed up, changed and headed to the canteen for a some fish porridge. While waiting for my food, in my favourite spot by the window, I checked my messages-- a ton from work. My secretary would get to those eventually. Another ton from See Yew. Was it Friday already? I opened a couple. He was inviting me to the best restaurant in town to discuss "our" problem. Sigh. Four missed calls from Christopher. Maybe I wasn't dreaming. I dialed his number and he picked up at the first ring.

"Hello babe. I haven't slept. I knew you'd call first thing. You're always so reliable," began Christopher on speaker. Whatever he wanted, it was big. He was layering the compliments thick and fast.

"Just spit it out, Chris. How can I help? Don't beat around the bush," I asked stifling a yawn. I was too sleepy to mince words.

"It's not like that you know. I'm not being selfish. It's for you too...I mean, I know the pressures you've been under....."

A frail-looking middle-aged woman came with all my food, plonked it in front of me and I put the right amount of money into her hands. The smell of fresh fish soaked in soft rice porridge made my tummy rumble and I was soon slurping it down.

"Are you eating while I'm pouring out my heart?" huffed Christopher at the other end.

"Uh huh. Got you on speaker and...."

I swallowed the rest of my words and porridge in one gulp when out of the corner of my eye I saw See Yew following a large well-dressed lady in traditional clothing through the hospital entrance.

"Got to go, Chris...sorry, talk to you later," I said in one breath as I hung up and ducked under the table.

What in the world is HE doing here? I swear I really need to tell dad off about telling any random guy my whereabouts. Is he gone? Drats, I can't hide here forever. I really need to pee.

Slowly, I crept out, finished my food, skirted the walls looking out for See Yew and did a sprint back to Room 27 and shut the door.

Whew! I was safe.

I turned around and Tommy's nurse looked up. Her face brightened as she pleaded, "Ah Sandy, please. Finish drying him off for me, can or not? The heart patient in Room 103 keeps pressing the call button. You've done this before, right? Aiyoh. I'd better go now. Please, please take over; otherwise he will catch cold."

I nodded and went through the motions dry, pat, powder, pat in complete silence and not making eye contact. I was so professional. If I wasn't feeling so embarrassed, I could have been a nurse.

"Missed a spot on my thigh" a deep voice said. I looked up. He was awake and looking meaningfully at me and languidly pointing to his thigh. He had the deepest brown eyes with black flecks.

"You're awake!"

"And naked...with a beautiful woman. Am I in heaven?"

"Hold that thought, I really need to pee," I said. I draped a blanket over him and for the second time in an hour, I rushed through the door and slammed it quickly. What was he doing awake? Did he come out of his coma? Was he awake last night?

I opened the toilet door a crack and I saw that the nurse was back. Tommy was out like a light again. Was I hallucinating?

"Hi, em... was he awake when you came in?"

"No, lah. He's in a coma. You can scream at him also he won't wake up one."

"Are you sure he's not recovering? Maybe you should check his vitals or something."

"No nothing...not so fast. If lucky, maybe a few more days.'

" sure?"

The nurse nodded and left shutting the door behind her. I inched slowly forward and touched his forehead. No response. Twirled his hair in my fingers. No response. Flicked his eyelashes gently with the tips of my fingernails. No response. Slowly lifted an arm and tickled his armpit. No response. Lifted his sheets and tickled his very clean feet. No response.

"Yup, I'm falling slowly off a very steep cliff," I concluded under my breath. I crawled into my armchair, closed my eyes and was almost asleep when my eyes popped open to glare at the comatose Tommy. I was sure I saw a faint smile on his rather luscious lips but I closed my eyes again and went back to sleep.

The room had turned dark again when hunger woke me up. On the side table was a chicken sandwich, salad and juice with a note that said, "Thanks for you help this morning. Nurse Tan."

I got up and stood over him munching.

"Did anyone ever tell you it is rude to stare?" asked a now familiar deep voice.

"You're not real. I can't be rude to a figment of my imagination. So tell me more about yourself imaginary friend."

"There's not much to say, I'll be here always whenever you need me and I like to shape things slowly, wait for patterns to emerge and watch things grow. What about you? What makes you tick?"

"Normally, a frenetic desire to make sure nothing goes wrong for those I love. Otherwise, I love the unfolding of a good story."

"Like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? A place where the conflict resolves and justice reigns?"

"Uh huh. You're pretty smart for an imaginary being. Do you grant wishes too like genies do?"

"I could try. What three wishes do you want, my anxious one?"

"Please make Tommy, the real you, well again. Wish two, make my dad less lonely and sad....and for wish three make my mum proud of me and Logan. Can you do that?"

"Are you full?"


"If you stop worrying and go to sleep right now, I'll try to make it happen."

"Thanks, imaginary Tommy."

"No, problem, sweetheart."

Soon, both of us were snoring.

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