Chapter 22 The results

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"Ready, Sandy?" a uniformed driving instructor asked leading me to the test car

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"Ready, Sandy?" a uniformed driving instructor asked leading me to the test car. I tried to gather my thoughts and stop the jitters.

"Focus on this test. Think about everything else later," I told myself sternly.

It annoyed no end that the driving test was on the same day as the trial between G and G and TUF. Logically, I should have changed my driving test date but the next test was in four months time. Four months! By which time I would have to do more lessons, the thought of going through it all again made me want to scream. With Tommy's assurance that he would text me once the results were known, I took a deep breath.

"Remember you can only go out on the streets, if you pass the driving circuit. That is your aim, clear the circuit first, one obstacle at a time. Good luck, Ms Ko" he said with a quick smile as the traffic police officer took the passenger seat.

The police officer was a cheerful but professional young man who stared seriously at the checklist in front of him and scribbled notes as we went along. In the circuit, I tried to concentrate as I went round the crank course. Thankfully, I made each angle with space to spare. I knew that if I hit the curb at any point I would fail and I managed the steering wheel with a fair amount of skill. Whew! One down! The police officer grinned happily and said "Number 31, S Course." I let out a sigh and turned the wheel. I slowed down around each corner and emerged after creating a perfect S-shape. "Good," said the officer, "Now for the directional change."

In the past few months, the instructors I have had could easily have been budding philosophers dispensing life lessons free of charge. When I was struggling to negotiate the crank course, the instructor said, "To survive life and this course, don't look too hard at the edges otherwise you will hit it." This I took to mean, look beyond your limitations; focusing on your opportunities instead. When I did the S course, another instructor said, "Look for markings on the ground to help you gauge how far out you are and don't go too slowly but don't rush into any curves." This I took to mean, put things in your life that will help you keep your bearings and move through life at a reasonable pace. While I was trying to navigate directional changes, yet another instructor said, "In any situation always stay in control and don't let the machine control you." I was always in control, except in cars and with Tommy.

The test was going well. I had only to do a parallel park well and I was done. I was focusing on the two poles that were supposed to guide me while I backed the car, when my phone buzzed. I tried to ignore it but I had already lost focus. Just as I was coming to the marker to stop the car, the phone buzzed again. I stepped hard on the pedal but instead of stopping, I accelerated. I had stepped on the wrong pedal.

The traffic policeman jammed his set of brakes, grinned and said, "Miss, you think you are backing to Malaysia or where?" I heard the poles fall as I shook my head in horror. "Okay, thank you. I think you know you have failed. Please book a new test date at the administrative office."

Outside, the Driving School I was standing at the taxi stand, bracing myself for the results on my phone.

Thinking back to the months of driving lessons I had undergone alone, I realised, in contrast, we had prepared for this court case together. The emotional resilience, we forged together as a team had strengthened us as individuals.

Late last night, Logan, Tommy and I were going over the details of the court case, when the speakerphone came on suddenly,

"Sandy, the girl of my dreams. I promise I am going to taste you. Nibble and lick your....

Tommy jumped up and shouted into the phone, "Who are you? You coward! Talk to me." The phone clicked and he hung up.

We had already analysed the first two similar messages and quickly discovered that behind the electronic distortion, the cadence and expressions were See Yew's. The initial shock of the first message had worn off, each new message made us fume and more determined to win.

Logan shook his head and said, "Porn...he's into porn."

Tommy response was automatic, "Erotica to be exact. Transgresses taboos, breaks stereotypes and dismantles barriers. Unleashes repression. Articulates the denied. Disrupts enforced silence."

Logan looked up from his phone then turned his phone towards us to show what he had found. "Porn, on all Sandy's social media sites. You know who's just spammed you, under a falsified account. Urgh! Lymph nodes! Someone should really tell him that porn kills love".

Tommy sighed, "He's just trying to unnerve you before the trial. Ignore him. He wants you to be distracted tomorrow."

Logan responded slowly, "Hmm...I think it's more sinister than that. This is beyond being rejected by a hot chick, or using TUF's wealth to settle debts, or even wanting straight wins. This has gotten psychotic and twisted. He's using a spider eating an egg sac as a logo for his social media sites. Just about everyone knows how Sandy feels about spiders. Hmm...there's something about that logo that sure looks familiar..."

Tommy looked thoughtful, "I've worked with him for five years; yet, I never really knew him."

Logan patted him on his shoulder and winked at me.

"It's cos he's still living with his parents past his twenties. Screws with a person big time, I've always thought." Logan said trying to sound guru-like.

"Hey." Tommy and I responded together before we shared a chuckle.

Logan filled our glasses with more juice and gave a toast, "Tomorrow, let's just beat the living daylights out of that pervert."

"Then we screenshot everything and report his sorry ass to the Cybercrime unit," added Tommy.

I sighed, slowly gazing at my phone. Impulsively, I paused, shut my eyes quickly and said, "Dear God-person, maker of heaven and earth. I've never asked you for anything before, but could you please help us win? Truly, truly, so be it. Okay, now let's read those messages."

Tommy's text read, "We won. Come home and celebrate. I expect a reward. XOXO."

Dad's text read, "TUF won. Invited the Marshalls over for chicken rice. Come home."

Bea's text, "Congrats sweetie. Bringing the family over to celebrate at your place."

Logan's text read, "Celebration at home. Forget driving. Taxis are cheaper."

How did Logan even know that? Feeling strangely elated despite having failed, I caught a cab and went home.


Hi readers,

I can't believe it is already July. In two weeks time, Sandy's story should be completed. I'm hoping to start on Logan's story next. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Please comment below or message me on tumblr :)

Catch you next Thursday.

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