Chapter 15 Siblings at heart

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As the sky darkened, Logan and I were in the Mini. I was trying to kill two birds with one stone; practice for my driving test and get a ride to the BCA Academy. Logan was jittery but agreed to be my co-driver, wait in the car park until I finished and let me drive him home. After the night of the big reveal, a strange serenity had come over Logan, like he had found inner peace or something equally nebulous.

"Look, sis. I'm not being paranoid but you're a rather distracted and nervous driver. If you make any sudden moves, I'm just going to either jump out the door or pee in my pants. Depending on which reflex reacts faster," he said in a deadpan voice looking calm and collected.

"Put a lid on it, bro. I'm not in the mood," I replied trying to focus on the busy road ahead.

"Sis, I don't understand why you didn't just call and cancel or just not turn up"

"Because, my dear brother, I'm not you. Tommy's sister used her connections to get us an appointment; the least I could do is turn up. Thinking about it, I may not even have to talk to him at all. Quickly, I'll just dash in and out. My pretext will be you're waiting in the carpark."

"Great I've fallen so far, I've become an excuse. You know, the Green Knight story? Work with me for a moment on this one; I'm still sticking to the idea that you two are playing it out in real life. Two snacks and two kisses between the two of you so far, right? Huh? Ring a bell? Like, the Lady Bertilak giving Sir Gawain two kisses? Aren't I the genius? So, that means when he gives you three kisses, make sure you don't keep the magic green stockings, otherwise you're in for trouble," he said trying to sound sagacious.

"Huh, green girdle you mean? You're mixing up the Sir Gawain story. He kept the photographs away from me and lied remember? So that makes me the Green Knight. I get to swipe his neck. Drats! How dare you cut into my lane," I raged at the Ford Focus.

"Whoa, em slow it down. Stocking, girdle, belt does it matter? Don't get your panties in a knot. Watch out for that motorcycle!"

"Your knickers in a twist, you mean. Whew, missed. We are almost there, bro."

"Whatever. You're mad at him; I get it. Bite his head off. Verbalise your aggression. Karate chop him if you must but when you get into the Mini, just breathe deep and let it go....That's the entrance, there, there...never mind, reverse. Argh! Sis, I'm too young to die."

I narrowly missed the fence and entered into the Zero Energy driveway. Logan pretended to weep in relief.

Yet, behind his lame comic attempts, I could sense a fundamental change in his aura. Pieces of my stepbrother's life were finally starting to fit together.

Raindrops began to fall.

Raindrops began to fall

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