Chapter 20 Do you like him?

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I went back to my room, tired but unable to sleep. After an hour, for the second time that night I heard a tapping, this time on my door. Logan peeked his head in.

"Logan? You came back?" I said.

"Yeah, I thought dad might need a beer and some male companionship after all that's happened. How are you holding up?" replied Logan sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Okay, I guess. I'm really glad you're officially becoming my brother, Logan. Sibling power, you know?" I sat up and gave him a hug.

"Yeah, yeah," he said patting my back, "Decided to pick myself a real dad and leave Darth Vader behind. Sis, sorry for ratting Tommy out like that, I didn't think..."

"Dad, would have found out sooner or later. Forget it."

"You know what? I like him, Sandy."

"Really? What did you talk about in the car?" I asked fluffing my pillow as a distraction. Logan had never liked any guy I dated before.

"Computer games. World of Warcraft. League of Legends."

"That's why you like him? You know he also plays the leaf flute, right?"



"Actually, I'm cool with indigenous music--angklong, gamelan, harp guitar, leaf...cough...flute that kind of thing. Didgeridoos, I take exception to the didgeridoos. They look like a huge cigar and sound like a fog horn."

"Subconscious phallic envy." I muttered.

"And that there is why, I decided against going to university, smart alec. I like him better than you at this moment," retorted Logan.

 I like him better than you at this moment," retorted Logan

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"So, you think he's a good person?"

"Yeah. More importantly, do you like him, Sandy?"

"Well, right now? I'm so not sure."

"He's reliable, responsible, kind, smart and in love with you; what's your problem?"

"Something about him scares me."

"All guys scare you, Sandy. It's the Logan curse."

"It's not you. It's just a gut feel."

"Don't over think it, sweetie. Love needs a leap of faith. Get some rest, sis. I'll go look for dad."

"You really think he's okay?"


"Better than Christopher?"

"Yeah, plenty better."

"Oh. Night then."

"Don't let the spiders bite."

A pillow flew in the night.



"It's messy."

"It's supposed to be messy, sis."

"I like it neat."

"I know."

"Why can't it be neater."

"Shows its the real deal."


"I know. Sleep on it, Sandy." Logan stood up and walked to the door.

"Okay. Logan?"


"Thanks for looking out for us--dad and me. I'm glad we're family, now."

"Yeah. Just remember you don't need to be perfect to deserve love, hon. We are all uniquely flawed in some way, that's what makes us especially lovable. Like me. Going now. Nite, nite."

My head hit the pillow and I fell into dreamless sleep. I was exhausted.


Hi readers, 

Yes, the didgeridoos is a thing too. 

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