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Jackie pov (your pov) Friday

'Ohhh where is that little brat... I'm going to kill her for running off like that' - I thought to myself
Yes you might be wondering who I'm looking for. I'm looking for my younger sister KaiChen. She a little cutie at time but when she's annoying she just wants to get hit. Yea I know I sound mean and cold but I'm trying to tell her that life is not about unicorns and fairy. So I'm trying to toughen her up so she can see the way I was raised up and lived but anyways I need to find her before the mall closes

I was walking around getting all frustrated looking for KaiChen even my friends are getting frustrated looking for her as well but I'll tell you how everything started

Me, KaiChen and my friends were shopping today for some new stuff and coz we wanted to hang out together. We were walking around until we all saw a shop we wanted to go in but the problem was that KaiChen was under age. Don't get the wrong idea of the store , the store was a women's store where you can buy undergarments but I knew that KaiChen wouldn't want to go inside coz she will start whining how gross this stuff is and how the isn't anything pretty inside like unicorns, fairy and more girly stuff.

As me and the girls were standing in front of the store and looking at each other and back at me then KaiChen. I bent down to KaiChen height and said ' KaiChen wanna do somethings for your older sister' I said to her as she looked at me with lost eyes ' what is it' she said in her cute-ish little voice. 'Can you stay outside the store while me and my friends go buy some new stuff ' I said as she nodded without any hesitation. 'Ok good when I get back you better still be here or else.. Ok just stay here and don't get distracted from anything and run off ok' I said as me and the girls entered the store.

Me, Jackie unnie and her friends were shopping for new clothes and stuff. As we were walking and unnie and her friends we talking. We suddenly came to a stop and when I looked up we were standing in front of one of the shops that I dislike the most. I looking at my sister and her friends expressions and the were looking at each other then they would look at me and then Jackie unnie. I knew what they were thinking especially Jackie unnie. As I was just standing there quietly I felt unnie bend down to my height.' KaiChen wanna do somethings for your older sister' Unnie says as I looked up. 'What is it' I asked. 'Can you stay outsides the store while me and my friends go but some new stuff ' she asked as I nodded without any hesitation. 'Ok good when I get back you better still be here or else.. Ok just stay here and don't get distracted from anything and run off ok' she said and entered the store.

While I was waiting outside for Unnie and her friends. I found a bench right outside the store so I sat down. As I was waiting patiently something caught my eyes. Well it's not something it actually someone caught my eye and it was Kai from Exo my favorite member coz we have the same name. As well as Chen my second member from Exo.

As I was watching them. I could see that they were a shopping as well and that they were leaving so I got up and followed them. I know I will get a hiding or yelled out for leaving the shot I was supposed to stay at. Unnie knows how much I love Exo but she doesn't know who Exo is like any of their songs, names. Coz she like to listen to American music like soul music, RnB, rap and more as well as Spanish music but I like KPOP more then the music my sister listens too.

As I was following them, they we walking really fast as if they were trying to find a hiding spot. As I running to catch up to them I saw that they were entering some sort of back stage room. Most of them were already inside the room the only ones who were lefted to enter was Chen oppa, Kai oppa and lay oppa. I quickly sprinted to Kai oppa and pulled on his shirt to get his attention. He turned around to look at me as he turned around I smiled to actually see it was him.
He bent down to my height and said 'hello. What's your name cutie' but I didn't say anything but look down. Then all I feel next is two big strong arms around me and me off the ground going inside the room.

Im starting to give up looking for KaiChen. As I was waking around with CJ my friend. I turned to a corner where it was sort of quiet, as if this area didn't exist but I didn't care I just kept on waking until I heard a familiar voice well familiar laugh. I walked up to the door and put I ear on it to hear a little girls voice and many male voices. My hand grabbed the door handle and turned the door nob slowly and pulled it opened a slight gap to see KaiChen with a bunch of guys.

I was sort of surprised but KaiChen was the one that surprised me she was sitting in one of the boys laps laughing and smiling I was going to slam the door open and walk in but when KaiChen opened her mouth I stopped and listen to what she was saying. She was talking about me like I was her idol.

Suho: this little kid is so cute but there is one thing that we don't know about her.... What's her name?
Chen: ahhhh she's such a cutie
D.O: she's so funny and all she talks about her sister but where is her older sister?
Suhun: ohhhh I wish we could keep her
But she has an older sibling
Xuimin: adorable is the only words u can describe this little angle
Baekhyun: ohhhhh so so cute I just want to squeeze her cute cheeks and take her home with me
Chanyeol: Ahhh she so cute when she plays with my hair and ears
Kai: ahhhh she so cute and the boys agree with her I'm so happy I found her well technically she found me.

Me and the boys were shopping for new clothes and stuff. We were walking back to the room our manger told us to go back to when we were done shopping. Everyone was already inside the room. It was only me, Chen hyung and lay that were left to enter as I was about to enter I felt a pull on my shirt so I turn around to see a cute littl girl standing there hold on to my shirt it was like She was trying to see if it was me. Kai from Exo

So I bent down to her height and said 'hello. What's your name cutie' but she looked Down. So I picked her up and carried her inside with me. I know it's weird for me to just pick up a child and bring her undies with me m. But the more is something strange about this child it's like she knows who we are , like she knows who I am.

'Yah what are you doing with that child. Your Goanna get in trouble is manager hyung finds out that you picked up a random child' suho nags me. 'But hyung look at her she looks lost, besides what she found me ' u said back to suho. 'What do you mean by She Found You' ' coz when me,lay and Chen were about to come in she pulled my shirt and I turned around to see her there then I asked her what her name was but she didn't but look down so I picked her up and brought her inside with me'. Everyone one looked at me like I kidnapped this little child but then looked at the little girl. As we were all standing in silence. I felt a little pull on my shoulder since I was carrying the little girl. She leaned into my ear as if she wanted to tell me something. 'Can you please put me down oppa' she whispered in my ear and I did as she told me to. As she was walking in the center of the room I walk to where all the boys were.

'Hello', we all looked to voice it belong to and it was the little girl. Ever since she spoke, we were all wondering was what was her name.


'Hey baby. What's your name since we don't know what your name is' I asked her nicely 'my name' she said and we all nodded after her ' my name' she repeated, 'my name is.. KaiChen'
We all looked at her shocked coz my name and Chen hyung name was combined into her name

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