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"Unnie, look at me. Look at my eyes" unnie did as Brooklyn said.
"Good. Now breathe. In and out. Ok" unnie breathed in and out as Brooklyn unnie said, slowly after every breathe she exhale she slowly calmed down.
"Good unnie. Now if I let you go, will you listen to me?"

"Ne" Jackie unnie said
"Good" and with that Brooklyn moved, as Jackie stood next to her. Fixing her clothes, being all quiet while minding her own business, Heechul had to open his motherfucken big mouth.

"She just like a pet. Needs someone to calm her down or pin her down" he said careless.
Everyone panicked, people around Heechul slapped him.
"Heechul shut up or else you really end up in hospital"
"Heechul Oppa stop please" And more

"What I didn't do anything wrong?"
He said acting innocent.
"YES YOU DID!!" Everyone yelled

Everyone looked at Jackie, while Jackie just froze. She hadn't looked up while she was fixing her clothes up. Everyone was preparing what was wrong drop next. Even Brooklyn was ready to slam her against the wall again. But what she did next surprised us. All she did was look up and death glare at Heechul. Unnie must have given up on Heechul Oppa so she let it slide.

"What. Not goanna go rage again or you goanna cry now. " Heechul said again. This time everyone slapped, punch and whacked him, really really hard. He whinnied in pain. "I don't cry. Only pussies like you do" she says in a deep voice. Unnie didn't seem to care anymore but it just pushed my buttons all the way. Unnie was looking down.

I walked up to Heechul. "Heechul Oppa" I signalled him to bend to my height. I turned around to see Jackie looking at me with wide eyes, walking slowly towards me.

Sorry unnie, but your just too slow

I turned back to Heechul waiting for me. I faked smile at him but before he could smile back, I had already punched him.

"Ohhhhhh" everyone gasped at my sudden moved. It really hurt my fist, well just a bit. But yeah it still hurt. I was shaking my hand up and down to make the pain go away.

I had an angry-pissed-annoyed face plastered on. Heechul looked back up, with his hand on the spot I punched.

"That's what you get for messing with my sister. Stupid ass bitch!" I spat at him. Everyone gasped even more, I think someone fainted as well but I don't even care any more ayyy. Someone picked me up from behind and dragged me to other side of the room. I wiggled around, once I was placed back on the ground.

It was Jackie unnie. She looked at me angrily. But then she raised her hand and high five me.

"Nice one monkey" she said proudly.
"Thanks unnie" I said happily
"Totally bipolar" someone said, both me, Jackie and Brooklyn glared at the person who said it. This time it was Baekhyun Oppa who blurted that out.
Whiled we glared, everyone slapped and pointed at Baekhyun. Saying it was him who said that.

Suddenly unnies phone started to ring.
Unnie quickly stood up and answered the phone. She said something like a solider would. After unnie finished her phone call, asked if she could speak with Suho Oppa outside for a minute.

Jackie pov
As soon as i started the engine and drove all the way to SM entertainment or whatever.
I drove on all the red light just to get to that stupid building where KaiChen was at. We ran in and stopped. "Hello, what can I help you with" a staff member asked.

"I'm looking for my little sister. She's with exo or whatever. Their babysitting for me."
"I'm sorry but I can't let you go up" she said
"Ok" I pulled out my phone and dialled kaichen's number and put it on speaker.

"Ok we're here. What level are you guys at?"
"Level 7"
End of call-

I looked at the girl, while wiggle my phone in her face.
"Got proof my sisters here, so you goanna let me get through?"
"I-- you--"
"I'll take that as a yes" and walked straight past her to the elevator and went to level 7. The elevator doors opened and we both heard lots of noise coming out of a certain room.

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